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no sales. moving to other host soon.
none of that works. files get instantly deleted, even the copies.

re-naming or adding prefix, etc, doesn't avoid digital fingerprint. neither do fullstops (.) or dashes, or anything else.....

i think it's deleted because they marked the file's hash as an illegal file.

you need to alter the file in some sort. for example, add a txt file to the archive.
i think it's deleted because they marked the file's hash as an illegal file.

you need to alter the file in some sort. for example, add a txt file to the archive.

once again, as already said above... did all that... added txt files, pic files, etc, etc.....

doesn't matter cause the new fingerprint system can "see" what's inside the rar'ed files.

once again, as already said above... did all that... added txt files, pic files, etc, etc.....

doesn't matter cause the new fingerprint system can "see" what's inside the rar'ed files.


hahaha jus add password to rar file thatz it they cant find which file inside the rar :P:P
I dont use RU. I use both ftp and/or web upload. And I do ALL of the above, rename, add files in rar archives, change filesize, etc, etc..... NONE of the above works.

And what's more incredible, I can name the file lalala.rar and the inside file a similar cr*ap.... file stills gets deleted. I don't even have the time to make a copy, and when I do have time to make a copy, both get deleted. I waste time on files I can't even use or share....

I honestly think filesonic is pushing the last limits.......

You should open an affiliate ticket with your fs account, something must be wrong, maybe you have received complaint from a company to block your account or something like this.
Anyway there is something wrong with your account for sure.
@BloodSucker Agree with goku_sama , there must be something wrong with your account , because no one else is being so aggressively f***d by Fsn digital fingerprint .
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You should open an affiliate ticket with your fs account, something must be wrong, maybe you have received complaint from a company to block your account or something like this.
Anyway there is something wrong with your account for sure.

@BloodSucker Agree with goku_sama , there must be something wrong with your account , because no one else is being so aggressively f***d by Fsn digital fingerprint .

My account is fine...... I can upload files without a problem, and have them working. Just uploaded quite a few files with no problem.
Problem is most of the latest vids and movies are getting instantly deleted due to the new fingerprint system, cause it targets especially movies and tv shows. It's not just me, but plenty of people I know are experiencing the same issue....

Oh well..... lets see how the next few days go and then I'll decide if it's worth staying with filesonic or not.


Got Life Time Domain Sale and here is my earning


bro can u share ur website :D


Holy Cr*p!!! Yeah, please do share your website with the rest of us!!! I'm making just about 1$/day on filesonic, apart from the occasional sale here and there......:(:(

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I think that probably will quit with Filesonic, because, either they are scamming or people are fedup with filesonic. In 12 days, 0 sale. That never happened to me. Fucking unbelievable, hilarious....
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