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Just need to do the same for games and stuff! :D
Also, need a semi-automated way of fetching screenshots. Hmm, hard :/
This is total topic hijacking but it sounds good ddlshack. I've being planning to make a proper one for ages but never got around to it. I suggest you add a preview function too like when you click generate it gives you the code and also displays the post. Also make it possible to disable getting the info from other sites as that will really slow it for smaller sites on cheap hosting.
And make it noob easy for people to integrate it. Remember the link checker page dman made about a year ago? It worked great but came without any css or anything and loads of people used it but it didn't look the best. Maybe it could come with two or three css files like default.css, dark.css for dark skins, blue.css etc or even better would be a few skins. If you want help on it or someone to make a few other optional skins/css files let me know. Sounds great though.
Ok heres the early version only for movies

You can enter anything for the title, such as:
[] District 9 [2009] [720p] BluRay x264
and it will still find the right movie :)
Error handling is not yet implimented...
Its in very early stages but you can see the idea of it ;)

Heres what it looks like (will look better when proper styling for <code> elements are used, etc):

Also, forgive the random screenshot used - it was only for testing :P

So it finds the movie on imdb from the title? Wow that's pretty very impressive. Their's the potential for errors with remakes of movies and misspelled titles but it's really cool. Maybe their could be a popup box asking to confirm the movie or give list of the top search results if it's not a direct match? Of the ones I tried it worked most of the time though. Really cool.
Well it extracts the title and date from the release name & then searches imdb for it. So remakes arent much of an issue. A good way of handling this would be to have the user able to manually input the imdb id. Anyway I tested it with my DDL database and it seems to be ~99% accurate.
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