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Active Member

So I'm making this thread to warn you all and to hopefully draw some attention from PPN.
Last year in November I started using PPN on my website. After 4 days I already quit because of their installers being infected with virusses. In those days I made $362,95.


For that money I infected my own users with this crap, which I regret a lot. Then came the moment for the payout. My account manager, James Lee, told me I had to fill in a form for verification. So I did ... about 3 times.

The first time, he claimed that the form was not filled in clear enough, which I could live with since my handwriting is not that good.

The second time, all of sudden, I was apperently filling in the wrong form (strange enough still the same form from the first time, no issue there yet?)

And now after the third time I still did not get any reply back. Not from my account manager directly and not from the other support.

In the last email conversation, James Lee was even impolite enough to give me an answer in which he claimed there was no reason for me to cry as he wanted to get it over with himself as well.

I'm posting this to warn you all and stay away from then since I still did not get a single dollar while the reviews on the internet are quite positive about them.
But actually I was also wondering if anyone had some advice on what I could do next. I do not feel I need to let that amount of money just slip away.

Thanks in advance :)
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