Selling PHP shorten url script website+domain

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Domain Name:
Registered With:
1&1 Internet "buyer responsible for any fee to transfer the domain to another company , I will provide you with anything u need"
Price or Starting Bid: $50

Methods of Payment
If Auction: No

Auction End Date:
BIN (Buy It Now) Price:
Proof of ownership

Hi , My website contain a custom PHP script made by an Arabic Egyptian programmer you can use the script with Google Ads without getting banned so you can host any kind of links or websites like Filehoot,Filerio etc ,, I don't know about porn cuz I didn't try it .

script features
The script automatically updates the content where the withdrawal of many foreign news articles automatically in several areas such as (Sports, Economy, Business, ..) without any intervention from you, the update is a day or every two or three days or more to your liking (the owner of the script isIt defines it) so there is always a renewed content of the script and that's what Google is looking for, as well as a news topic in the download page also link.

Full control over the placement of advertising in all the pages and locations in the script from the control panel as shown The images.

The possibility of several shortcut links at one time with the emergence of the private name server linkage automatically.

A script-enabled codes links to the Editors Forum sophisticated texts and pictures we will give an example.

The owner can allow script shortcut property or closed to visitors from the script control panel.

The allocation of the member groups of the control panel (1- full range of powers of managers, 2. members of a group to shorten the links only).

I used google to translate the features part from Arabic to English

the programmer is offering the script only for $45 and you can see by your self from this link

I will sell the domain + the website and the backup for $50

admin panel demo here

user :admin
password :admin

please be note admin panel its in Arabic , But if I know there is a real buyer I will translate it to English only see example

Regarding the website revenue I didn't use the script cuz I had another project and I totally forgot about it see this

the avg search results of the domain keyword is 211,000

I accept only Paypal for now , please email me on "" for more info
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