PayPal Co-Founder Gives Out $100,000 To Not Go To College

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Why to leave college??
Just bcoz someone got $100,000 do u really think every one would be as lucky tht paypal co founder??
Study is the best option don't make it as secondry.And as far as for innovative ideas u have rest of whole life to do it but u don't have whole life to study..Mind that

Why do u guyz want to be like that paypal co-founder why not be like einstein,newton??

Does money is the only thing u want so badly??
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It's a massive risk, in my opinion. A degree atleast gives you a backup in case you fail in your innovative ventures. Drop out of college and you're pretty much left with a mountain of risk and you can slip easily and end up working at McDonalds.
Too bad Paypal still sucks.

If i was Under 20. I would take the opportunity to do it.

1, How many millions of people don't go college straight after high school? I know 1/4 of my high school class took 1 year off after high school to save up some money or go travelling and backpacking as a gift before they start college. This is not uncommon. Very many 18 yr olds do this. Why not take 12 months off college and start a company instead and then resume studies in 12 months?? Same thing really

2, How many millions of people end up working straight after high school and going to college later on in life? College used to be a thing for young people but It is now not Uncommon to see university students in their 30's.

Maybe in the USA college system caters more for younger crowd.. where they have frats and parties etc.. but in the English.. UK.. european system it's different. It's abit more mature. Most people in my country only go college/university for classes and don't interact very much with other students to the same extent as they make it out in how USA system is.

My friend told me his university classes. 1/2 of them are between 17-21 and the other half were students over 25 yrs old. It led me to go around asking more of my friends about this as this subject intriques me and yes many of them confirm that there are a few 25+ year olds in their classes and it is a growing trend!

You guys are making it all like.. OMG if you don't go college straight after high school you're doomed!

This is a great opportunity. You get 100k to start your own business. If you fail.. No you don't go work at mcdonalds. Then Just Go to college afterwards. What's wrong with that?? Does it matter if you finish your degree by the age of 22 or you finished it at 30 yrs old??
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really? :O lets start a BIG BIG warez site from the money :P (just kidding)

imo, the guy is screwing up lots of lives... people will start dropping out just for the money! there will be some who can really make best use of it, but most of them will spoil their own life. :|
For a guy who's claiming that college impedes innovation, Peter Thiel sure had a lot of it. He has a BA in Philosophy and a Juris Doctor from Stanford.
Can't accept that $100K for Education but I'll accept that for my university degree. Well for $100K you put up business but how will you manage it? I'd rather stay in college where I could get a lot of things, college means life + pleasure + study + future..
You need cash to pay for education. Cash you won't have because you invested all of it in your business (most common scenario).
Well in this case he is giving you the cash. You would be stupid to invest your own unless you're doing good.
You don't need to study business to have a successful one. You just need some basic business knowledge and business advice from professionals and stick to what you know and love.

Many of you guys... would Probably open a Hosting company! :D :D :D There are a few successful hosting companies on wjunction who's owners are still in high school. :D how good would it be for them to receive 100k to buy or upgrade their own hardware and not be just another Reseller!
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