, monetised pastebin service

Hey guys, it's Josh from Paster.

Paster is a pastebin service, where users can go paste text, scripts, links... With a special perk: Monetisation.

We offer all the premium features you could think of (templates, api integration, no limits...) completely for free, so no more licenses needed (a premium plan is coming on the future, with a lot of exciting features).

There is no friction for the visitors, you won't find any annoying ad in our website, user experience is our top 1 priority, so the rates are perfectly balanced. Rates can vary from 2$ to 10$ per 1000 visitors (the higher the traffic quality is geographically-wise, the higher the CPM gets).

There are thousands of pastebin websites, but your search for the perfect one ends here. What are you waiting for? Head to and start posting asap!

(I'm somehow not allowed to post links yet)

If any doubts:

Telegram: @joshbennet0