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Active Member
Hi, I need to hire somebody.

  • To recieve posts through a webpage or email
  • To verify that the post is ok (you will be briefed on the criteria)
  • Then to post the posts on the relavent forum/blog and tag them etc.
  • Approx 100 posts per day, each post just to 1 forum or blog.
  • Posts are already generated by me, I just need somebody to post them.
  • Should take under an hour per day, depending on your speed.
Starting offer is $100 per day, and each bidder must bid lower than the last one!
I will only hire if the price gets low enough.
OMFG. I pass.
I'll do it for euh... 100 posts for $50.
What u get:
- guarantee of your posts being posted
- will be available for u 15/24h :P
- proper posting
- won't give up after 10 posts
- trust
- professionalism
- and more ;)
Thanks for the sarcasm. I'm just offering people an opportunity to make a bit of cash on the side, so that sarcasm wasn't appreciated.

Added after 4 minutes:

I think the bidding will go on for another 24 hours, just so it gets the maximum exposure. I will post my decision this time tomorrow. Thanks for bidding guys! :)
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