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Active Member
I Need a logo done for .Payment via Paypal or Payaz (AlertPay). You should give me the Psd source file


1. Since the site will be for Funny things, Add a smilie. I want the O in word jOy to be smiling.
3. Please use Bold and decent looking Fonts
2. The color of word Joy should be Purple and gag must me white
Let the Background be light in color preferably variations in white
3. Include .com also in the logo
4. Please try to use your imagination with various style

DON'T PM ME, put the logo here with your watermark in this thread. I will decide the winner

PS : If I dont like any logo I have the right to close the contest

Edit : below is the sample, this was create by me for my different site. so please use this sample and try to create the logo Even I know little Photoshop, but not an expert and don't have time to create


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SIMPLE one : -

NOTE : Background is black because of white font , Final Image will have transparent background .



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LOL thx cvrle77 and image. I can create better logos then yours, check my first post I created that logo myself. I dont have time and I thought people would be creative so I created this contest
I completely understand you, but for $6 you'll get 10 mins job.
It's not mine to judge about how much you'll offer. But be assured that for more money, better artists would involve for sure, and you would get better work.
Again, not my business, just friendly talk.
well i checked your first post, and honestly im not convinced that logo is "better" . But regardless, as cvrle said if you were offering more, which is up to no one but you, you will end up with better designs with more time put into them.. again good luck :D
Thx Image, there are people who creates a decent logo for 5$ here. I am not asking people to create amazing logos which is worth much more than 6$. I just need a simple logo which is good looking to me. If I am not satisfied I will try to create a logo myself
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