Oron.com offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

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Thanks for your answer man, but


Don't work to me.:(

Edit: Work now.
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So I have a question how does REBILLS work?

If user already has a Oron account, and they renew their account on my File.

Do I get paid sales commission or nothing at all? Does the person that originally referred them the account get the Rebill?

What if they renew in the future, do I get the Rebill, and so does the original referrer? Please clarify this, thanks!
I have a pretty strange situation with my sales last 6 days.
Rebills going fine,but I haven't any new sales for 6 days.It's hard to believe that is only "bad days".
Once more about the amazing upcoming promo:

- if you selected the 70% / 30% plan you will be upgraded to 70%/55%
- if you are running on the 55% / 55% plan you will also be upgraded to 70/55%

Fair for everyone!

In addition: you should start to post in your running threads today so that you will have your first sells
in 2 or 3 days since sells take some time after the boost of traffic due to more posting activity.

stop cry about rebils ans sales ok ? if you think they cheat just check for your self like you purchase premium and you will see how is situation.. when i check this thread everyday i aways see someone who cry and cry... work more..
The only reason to be on PPD is because you made a mistake and now that you are on it you made some sales and you are at 70/80% +. This happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I only changed it back when I was at 60% and decreasing daily. If you are at 50% or less, just change it to PPS as fast as you can.

Answering your question, it depends on many factors, like the sales/renewals you make and the mb's you upload daily, to give some examples. You have to make sales constantly in order to increase those 2%; for example, if you have an one year sale, you probably will be at 40/50%, but you'll lose massive cash since you won't get anything from those 40$ you could have received; and in order to increase your rank to 80% in the next day, you'll have to make another big sale, you'll lose even more cash and so on... Snowball effect.

Here's an example of my two first days uploding (never used any host before Oron):


At PPS you won't see 0,01$ entering your account every day, but you can see 24$ all at once. Even if you are noob, like I was at the time, and probably still am when compared to most guys here.
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