Online hackers threaten to expose cartel's secrets

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Online hackers threaten to expose cartel's secrets​

An international group of online hackers is warning a Mexican drug cartel to release one of its members, kidnapped from a street protest, or it will publish the identities and addresses of the syndicate's associates, from corrupt police to taxi drivers, as well as reveal the syndicates' businesses.

The vow is a bizarre cyber twist to Mexico's ongoing drug war, as a group that has no guns is squaring off against the Zetas, a cartel blamed for thousands of deaths as well as introducing beheadings and other frightening brutality.

"You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him," says a masked man in a video posted online on behalf of the group, Anonymous.

"We cannot defend ourselves with a weapon … but we can do this with their cars, homes, bars, brothels and everything else in their possession," says the man, who is wearing a suit and tie.

"It won't be difficult; we all know who they are and where they are located," says the man, who underlines the group's international ties by speaking Spanish with the accent of a Spaniard while using Mexican slang.

He also implies that the group will expose mainstream journalists who are somehow in cahoots with the Zetas by writing negative articles about the military, the country's biggest fist in the drug war.

"We demand his release," says the Anonymous spokesman, who is wearing a mask like the one worn by the shadowy revolutionary character in the movie V for Vendetta, which came out in 2006. "If anything happens to him, you sons of (expletive) will always remember this upcoming November 5."

The person reportedly kidnapped is not named, and the video does not share information about the kidnapping other than that it occurred in the Mexican state of Veracruz during a street protest.

Anonymous draws its roots from an online forum dedicated to bringing sensitive government documents and other material to light.

If Anonymous can make good on its threats to publish names, it will "most certainly" lead to more deaths and could leave bloggers and others open to reprisal attacks by the cartel, contends Stratfor, an Austin-based global intelligence company.

"In this viral world on the Internet, it shows how much damage could be done with just one statement on the Web," said Fred Burton of Stratfor, which published a report Friday that probes the implications of the cartel drawing the activists' ire.

Mike Vigil, the retired head of international operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration, said the Zetas must take Anonymous seriously.

"It is a gutsy move," Vigil said. "By publishing the names, they identify them to rivals, and trust me, they will go after them."
HAHAHAH!!!!!!! is this a joke? It doesnt matter if they release any info we dont fall as we have no leaders...

I cant wait till he releases the info cuz the one he wants will be dead anyway... Unless we see cash or a good trade come in there is no deal specially if its a guy..

Everyone in mexico knows whos corrupt n whos not.. Annoymous is fucking with the wrong group... Money... planes.. and guns are easy to get ahold of...
Anonymous is really starting to get gay with all this white nighting. They are going to get themselves killed for that shit. Zetas has already been hanging people from overpasses with signs about posting on internet. They are brutal and in all parts of mexican society, the police will not help you, a lot of the so called tip lines are a trap for people who call to phone in tip and end up dead. mexico is way too corrupt to even attempt dealing with this.

When USA regulates and legalizes drugs this shit will stop.
I would think this person they want is already dead.

No people are kept alive until something has been worked.. We get numbers n call there family n ask for money unless theres a special reason.. Then no contact is made.. But yes over time like a week or two they die..

We treat girls better..

Are you saying your a mexican drug participant?

Im not saying anything.. I said "we" it can be anybody i speak of..
Any mexican knows if you dont join in a certain way.. Then if you get stopped in mexico you are forced to either pay or work for them which in turn you join in.. If you confide to how we work u live.. If u decide to try and run u die...

Just because you watch the news does not mean you know it all.. Zetas are everywhere.. The internet.. Even anonymous has some members which they dont know and which is why they are fucking with the wrong group...
HAHAHAH!!!!!!! is this a joke? It doesnt matter if they release any info we dont fall as we have no leaders...

Don't know if trolling or just stupid.

Dude like really?? "You" have no leaders at all ?? :facepalm:
How can a drug cartel even work with "no leaders"?

Thanks for this valuable and accurate information.
Don't know if trolling or just stupid.

Dude like really?? "You" have no leaders at all ?? :facepalm:
How can a drug cartel even work with "no leaders"?

Thanks for this valuable and accurate information.

Do you believe everything needs a leader to become big?

Mexican mafia.. Russian mafia.. Chinese mafia and so on.. They have no leaders but yet they became successful..

Theres no real leader... One guy is assigned a territory.. If that guy dies or is captured and new guy is moved to take over.. Each territory works with eachother..

If you don't know shit don't come in talking that non sense shit... If there was a leader why is it that the US has captured 5-10 leaders already???

haha you have no fucking idea
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