Oh dear ... I've just been "hacked"

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Active Member
Well I have to say that I knew it was going to happen someday lol
Well it happened today .. someone defaced my site ..

The picture is kinda nice, don't you agree? :p
Damn ... Now to find out the exploit used ... I am sure you have a good backup :D
Yeah, luckily I backed up yesterday :p Plus he did nothing except replace the index.php

Still I have to say that hackers, when they deface people's site, they know how to use those beautiful pictures lol
Why are happy about it Seifer? lol.
I dunno lol ... when someone hack your site ..there has to be a reason.
Either he is my enemy, which I don't think so as I have no grudge against anyone ..
Or he did it for fun .. but why my site then? lol
Most people I know deface others sites to inform them of the vulnerability rather than to harm them for fun. If they simply replaced the index file, they were most likely telling you "hey your site isn't safe.. fix it"
Most people I know deface others sites to inform them of the vulnerability rather than to harm them for fun. If they simply replaced the index file, they were most likely telling you "hey your site isn't safe.. fix it"
I hope it's like that ..
But from what I believe, people deface site so as to show off that they do it lol
Most people I know deface others sites to inform them of the vulnerability rather than to harm them for fun. If they simply replaced the index file, they were most likely telling you "hey your site isn't safe.. fix it"
if they wanted to tell that they would just email/pm the staff ..defacing is more for rep ;) skiddy work
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