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still i cant verify..i want to contact their support directly,,this section isn't answering me ..

Edit: contacted them and i got verified !..
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is there a way to check my site's downloads?
Go to Webmasters
Then put your site in, and it'll show you MP3 / Porn / and Main Download

Then You click on one, and Volla. :)
I have registered and chose "webmaster" but when i login i dont have options at all and vere to confirm site i think i didnt get that option?
Whitelist rejected...

Reason in mail "Hello, your site, PinkVids , was rejected from the PHAZE whitelist.

Log into your webmaster account for details."
No info given in Webmaster login.

Previously i put phazeporn button & Searchbar of phaze.

But now i updated with download button too.

I want to re apply to be whitelisted but not able any specific option to do that.

Please guide me to do this.

I really need phaze on my site.
the funny thing about this is .. now on his facebook page it says this is the new address

When you goto it you will see why .
Not sure what is going on with things but lets hope it gets fixed soon .
also down here
last night i am still can open it but just a moment then down again
i think they got server problem
aggree with ghost that just clone Twilight but not real phaze
phaze is down meybe server problem
still waiting...
i dont know why its showing twilight and not phaze . check his facebook and you guys will see what i saw .
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