OBOOM.com Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to OBOOM here.

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dogg: der Umzug hat doch nichts mit der finanziellen Lage zu tun ;) An deiner Stelle würde ich OBOOM in deinen Uploads nicht mehr anbieten...das Thema OBOOM regelt sich bald von alleine :)

nice to hear! and when you will payout?


Perhaps if every uploader stop supporting / uploading on their hoster.
Thats why I cant understand why perhaps the two biggest German Warezsites are still supporting them. And one of them are posting Oboom as the FIRST Hoster! Thats a mystery to me...

There are two options what will happen if nobody supports them:
1. Oboom pays all to get the uploader back.
2. They close the hoster and thats the final end of Oboom.

I think that I was one of the last who believe in Oboom, but after 4 month waiting I stop uploading with beginning the new year. I can just recommend to every uploader to do the same!
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@ Pit

Keine Sorge auf Oboom wird schon seit Wochen nichts mehr hochgeschoben.. Sollen erstmal auszahlen ;)


i don't support this hoster anymore for a few weeks.. if they pay the pending ammount i'll use it again, but i doubt that they will...

as i told above -> scamers ;)
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They have moved all their files to new data center. Probably, they have done this bring their cc back. Again, probably.
I have stopped working with OBOOM from last 3 months but will happily work with them if they pay us. Lots of my money is pending it's somewhat sad to see that.
Works again ;)

Netload.in working too, you can upload for free to netload.in, if you thats to much like working for free.

oboom is dead, and this is just next story, and they hope, some stupid kids make him some more money....

FCK SCAM, never more, even if they pay something, never more back working with this scam

one time scam, forever scam
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