- earn 30$/10000 downloads -no limit for free download - min 1$

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Let us just wait for a response. Most hosts who scammed and ran usually stopped responding a long time before closing their site. So far Nira is still responding.
the only true about this is..

nirafiles gain all our earnings.. even if the site is down.. nira got there earnings.. and we didnt..

if we didnt get our payments.. well we need to look for a new host..

and tell every one that nirafiles is not that trust worthy..

in the indonesian forums.. they stop using nirafiles.. i dont know why..
now i think i know the reason why they shift to other file host

That's true.. seems like we got scammed. Of course they will not pay us they probably created all of this just to make an excuse and avoid the payment..

yes you are right, I agree with your opinion, I do not want to get stuck for a second time if nirafile has not paid me. I was tired of working for nirafile, and ultimately I do not get paid, it does not taste good at all. :sad:
the only true about this is..

nirafiles gain all our earnings.. even if the site is down.. nira got there earnings.. and we didnt..

if we didnt get our payments.. well we need to look for a new host..

and tell every one that nirafiles is not that trust worthy..

in the indonesian forums.. they stop using nirafiles... i dont know why..
now i think i know the reason why they shift to other file host

i agree with this

u should pay us...or give some compensation

eventhough u paid us previously...all this happen exactly on payout its hard to trust ur words rather its very reidel21 said Probably they intentionally deleted our files..

i've a my suggestion for this...if u r a legit host

pay us the average of last 2 payouts...since we've pp proof..we could send the proof to u with PM or mail

if a user previously not received payment...he may get 1$ minimum payout
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they need to pay us.. its okie if we start again.. but we need payment..

and the payment will serve as a ticket for good support..
by the way i need to ask something? does the size of the file have different points? or all the same?
since im uploading around 500-900mb
@haundrev all are same but only 5MB+ are counted

can't blame you guys to be skeptic since its almost unbelievable to be coincidence right after payment date with all that hard earned money but lets wait for nira's response about payments, hoping it will benefit for both side(uploader + hoster)
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What's this !?!? Is that mean you wanna change host name?
@haundrev all are same but only 5MB+ are counted

can't blame you guys to be skeptic since its almost unbelievable to be coincidence right after payment date with all that hard earned money but lets wait for nira's response about payments, hoping it will benefit for both side(uploader + hoster)

kano brad pay out mo now?
sayang pera kung di siya mag babaya..

still waiting
BlackOctz : you can open your eyes here at this page

Nirafile - Free dedicated file host service

we are happy since most users here trust us and happy with us, so non polite users not welcome for sure :) and stop spamming here please

I still cant see this link on your site or thread 1st page? How should we see a page that only you know? Will reply again when you run away with money just like you did last time.

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Please Wait Nira Reply All My Friend ..... Nira Team Make New Site With New Server Last Night .... They Need Lots Of Work ... And They Don't Have Backup (Old Data Center Not Provide Him Backup ) .... Tha't Why They Are May Not Know Who Earn How Many i Think . After Backup Receive Nira Must/May Pay All Of U And Me Also(i Lost 10 $ But i Don't Need My Payout i Understand Nira Big problem ) :) ..... We All Are Need To Wait Nira Reply ..... Nira Is One Of Share File Host Owner Who Reply All Our Q? ....

And About Some Page Not Found ... They Installed Script Last Night . Who Are Website Owner Here They Are All Understand This Problem ..
hi all,
I understand your point and being sad

for people who said we did this downtime !!!! do you really think we will lose many visitors to ovoid paying some dollars

now tell me please all what do you want from me to trust me and upload again

if it is about performance and speed I promise its guaranteed

and about payments was before the downtime -- suggest me what should do put yourself here

it is out of my hand :( I have no record for that

we are not spammer or scammer and our goal to provide good service that all will like

your suggestions will appreciated
hi all,
I understand your point and being sad

for people who said we did this downtime !!!! do you really think we will lose many visitors to ovoid paying some dollars

now tell me please all what do you want from me to trust me and upload again

if it is about performance and speed I promise its guaranteed

and about payments was before the downtime -- suggest me what should do put yourself here

it is out of my hand :( I have no record for that

we are not spammer or scammer and our goal to provide good service that all will like

your suggestions will appreciated


can you use my screen shot as a proof of my earnings? you can see it here.. i post it.. but the said thing.. thats not the latest..
but it will be ok if you can consider it

look at this.
NORA = as nira said.. porn files are allowed are you a newbie sir?
and how come you can register in a filipino forum that has a filipino language question? and can access adult section?
you need to join a group.. you know to much.. couz your a filipino too.. if ill be banned because of this.. dont worry.. all the uploaders there will be banned to.. you think you can escape? couz i dont know your username? lol..

every url or links has a owner.. all i need to do is to report a link.. and then boom your account will be banned to..

heres my 7th day.

and miss nira.. if porn files are not allowed just pm me.. ill stop uploading and ill just request the 30$ earning..

my request payout was 38$ and have 2$ more in my account..

you can pay me 30$
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The logo and the favicon are the standard ones for their template. Just this.
Also, do you people really think they'd delete your earns (not much money if someone whant to start a serious business) and lost everybody's trust? Not really smart by their side. ;)
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