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Although it's possible he can port plugins, why would you want to? It'd still take a lot of work.

I don't see why people complain about staying with vBulletin 3, it's perfectly fine and it does the job. It can use some revamps, I'll give you guys that, but it's awesome. IPB is too, bleh.. doesn't make sites friendly looking to me, to be honest. I'd much prefer vBulletin.

Stay with vBulletin 3, get a professional coder and designer.

Baraka is a great coder both skin wise and plugin wise, I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing some jobs around the site. AJAX PM's, AJAX Latest Posts. -cough-

But the problem with WJunction is they ask for member opinions and completely ignore them when the time comes to do the things members ask for.

I'm pretty sure you guys have funds. 8-)

lolz Exel, and thanks :P If they allow it, i'll be glad to :)
Hang on a sec now, we can't stay on vBulletin 3 forever as you said earlier. Does this mean we'll still be using vBulletin 3 this time next year or what's the long term plan?

As much as I don't like it Mr.H has a valid point here however, with any luck vb5 (assuming there is one) will hopefully be better than vb4 is/was so they could upgrade straight from v3 to v5 maybe in the future?

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I would like to see a skin not so so so light that it directly effects our eyes, I would suggest the following colors - Light Grey as background Blue, white, light grey as forum colors I would like to see a new logo, same colors but with a new font (much more stylish font). A change to this current editor, making it like the vB4.0 version. I dont think so you will be able to achieve this one until a real good coder is into the skin making project. A new look to the chatbox maybe, The current one is just the default version, we can customize it to look sexy. Change the "Whats Going on Box" & make it simple like IPB, this is quite simple & can be done quite easily... --------------------- These were my initial suggestions, I have one more left.... What about a slider at the top of the new skin, It can be used to display anything like - The Hottest Discussion of The Month, Affliates etc Thanks & Regards. BTW... Please someone make me a normal member, being a Probationary one is a pain in my aS* :(
You will come off probation automatically after a set amount of time has passed or something along those lines. Be patient and it will happen (y)

Maybe you could tell us which of the 12 pages of suggestions are you considering and which aren't you considering, so people won't suggest what has already been suggested.
We'll be going through the suggestions and shall decide on which ones should be implemented.

If we implement a "Who quoted me?" modification/plugin, would you use it?
Keep in mind people get quoted very, very, very often.

I suspect this could result in a large amount of notifications for some people, especially those who post popular threads.
Keep in mind people get quoted very, very, very often.

I suspect this could result in a large amount of notifications for some people, especially those who post popular threads.

I must add that we will have the option to disable quote notifications.
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