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Lol....nice find ;).

George Ispen writes:
There was a time in my life when I was depressed. My doctor recommended that I try No Uptime, and my life has improved significantly. Thanks No Uptime. :P
Jane Siphen writes:

I just bought Take My Money Plan, finally received my 2 glow sticks.

I lost over 40 pounds after switching to No Uptime. Thanks guys!

I fell out of my chair.
omg i fell out of my chair at this i havent had a laugh like that in ages

thanks dude

Exceptional service for an exceptional price. My only complaint is that technical support told me to fuck off when I called them, but everything else has been great.

lol, try filling out their contact form

the funny thing is i know a gud reliable microsoft certified host tht isn't far off from this one lol
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