Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

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Because it's PayPal and they can!

Now they are working with the money and getting a huge credit for this.
PayPal don't have the right to do this, but what you/NL will do?
You can't do anything and have to wait.
Yeah off course waiting half of Year to get paid :facepalm:

Got a new reply, that they are working hard on a solution.
But no eta given, also no word of the 180 days thing.

yes we pay. But we need to install a complete new payment methode.
[/SIZE] If you have any further questions, please don’t hestitate to contact us. Thank you for using ****. Best Regards,
a new hope may be...

i dont know why they are responding for some mails
i 5mails i had kept for them to cancel my paypal payout requests which requested on 7th aug they didnt cancelled it fand no responce from any mails
i am so worried 7th sep i need to get payout lets see tommorow wat will happens abt my pament wheather that requested ammount will vanished completely or it will added to account balance
got a problem hahaha i reddem voucher 6month and i forget to write down the code and accidently press the filemanager!!!and when i press back on my mozilla they redeem my voucher 2x lol!! is there any way to cancel the voucher hahahahah DAMN
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