Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

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Plan 3 is recurring orders. If they are automatic or not does not matter, you should be paid anyway.Plan 4 is like RG, track EVERY sale no matter if it's the first, second or the 100.
thanks I will "test" Plan 4 because Plan 1-2 successfully tracks, Plan 3 have not tracked as expected (I brought to my ref link a customer have made fist purchased by his own)I am not so confident even Plan 4 works as expected (as Rapidgator "pay per sale" plan) I feel that "recurring orders" means the customer have to be brought from your ref link to purchase his first premium and if so you will be paid for life if and when he made another purchase

now is official, at least for me, even Plan 4 DO NOT track as expected (like Rapidgator "pay per sale" for example): for sure are NOT being tracked following premium upgrades of users that have made their first premium purchase by their own.

I mean, every "pay per sale" plan seems tracks only if you brought the user to Netload since his first purchase
can someone give me (even privately) a contact of netload support center member? They do not reply at main email address and I have a very urgent thing to tell them (related to payment system bug and people, hacker, exploiting it)
can someone give me (even privately) a contact of netload support center member? They do not reply at main email address and I have a very urgent thing to tell them (related to payment system bug and people, hacker, exploiting it)

May be that's why they have stopped paying???
can someone give me (even privately) a contact of netload support center member? They do not reply at main email address and I have a very urgent thing to tell them (related to payment system bug and people, hacker, exploiting it)
May be that's why they have stopped paying???

really don't think so, there are hackers can pay almost for free many other filehosting services (I believe they hack their "week" credit card payment processor) since me is a reseller, are destroying market ( is also involved.....hundreds of 1 year accounts created for free then they sell both for few bucks) The thing is going on since months sounds me impossible they haven't noticed that and fixed, me now is trying to notify filehosting companies
May be that's why they have stopped paying???

really don't think so, there are hackers can pay almost for free many other filehosting services (I believe they hack their "week" credit card payment processor) since me is a reseller, are destroying market ( is also involved.....hundreds of 1 year accounts created for free then they sell both for few bucks) The thing is going on since months sounds me impossible they haven't noticed that and fixed, me now is trying to notify filehosting companies

Well if that's the case it's pretty messed up....How can a company as Big as and yet unable to recognize what's going on in their systems..The Only thing that comes to mind is that the company is happy as Long as it is earning until then it's perfectly fine.
Don't you have the balls to post with your real username? I assume, you know WJ rules so exactly after surprisingly registering and reading the TOS here today and then posting about it to show you've read them :facepalm:
25.09.2013 I was request a small amount of money to see if they pay small sums. Today I received this email :

Hello User xxxxxx,
we want to inform you that your payout was rejected. The reason for that was:

- We got some technical problem. Our technical section is working hard to solve the problem.

The payout amount was added back to your account.
Please pay attention about this problem on your next payout request.

Best Regards,
Yvonne Support

I believe that they will solve the technical problem because they are working hard on it (sarcasm). On their site they says the following :

We're working hard to getting webmoney and more providers as Payout Partners (and working hard on it already almost 2 years)

From this moment I stop to work with them and deletes all my files.

Goodbye cheaters !!!
I am really glad that after 2 years that I was selling almost everyday , finally the selling process stopped from the last week ,for over 10 days I haven't sold a single account in netload (thanks god !) this is just the begining ,They will realize how much power we [uploaders] have !
I tried them for a short while but I'll never use em again because they filtered my file names, blocked file names containing words such as: "teen" and I wasn't even uploading porn, the file name was something like Video.Number.Eighteen.mp4

Also I believe this host has a history of financial instability as one time I tried to buy a premium from them and I had no other choice but to purchase a premium account from a third party reseller which was annoying as hell and quite frankly is unacceptable....
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