Hiring Needs lots of accounts in 1 forum

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Active Member
As the title says.. I need lots of accounts in 1 forum.. so I need someone who can register it for me as I'm very lazy with veryfying each account..

you can disposable emails when registering.. its accepted to fasten your work..example: http://www.mailinator.com/

I need offers per 100 accounts and I need it already email verified per account..

look, 100 uploads cost 5$ only.. so how about only registering accounts that is alot more easy and doesnt need any script..

so offer now! and I'll PM the forum link with the cheapest offer..

Its not my Forum
really huh?

what you read is all that there's into it..

yeah, I know cause I have Sborg too.. but there is a difference.. Having to fill up only username,pass and email is more easy.. and it can be done with SAME passwords for all of the accounts...

Please only reply if your interested or if you have offers.. instead of just increasing your post counts..


Added after 8 Hours 8 minutes:

someone already offered for 5$ guys.. thanks anyways.. it can be used with disposable emails by da way so no need to register in emails too..
yeah agree
add a database dump instead of doing it.
I can do 1000 accounts for 20$ if you give me db access (PHPMYADMIN)
Or i will give you a db dump myself.
You just have to import it using PHPMYADMIN.
well someone already started for 5$.. If you can do it for 4.. then I'll buy another 100..or I'll share the "THING" you told me in MSN m8.. if I dont use it.. remember?
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