Need help from healthy people lol?

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Well this isn't really a laughing matter i am in need of some advice,
over the last 5 years i have been pretty addicted to soda, particularly dr pepper, coke, mt dew, pepsi so on & so fourth a couple of weeks ago i started to lean off of them as i started having health concerns i started drinking just bottled water & lemonade

Before i quit drinking dark sodas i could eat greasy foods just fine, Now how ever for the last two weeks every time i eat like a double cheese burger, or pizza or anything with large amounts of grease it makes me sick as hell.

Could this be because i dont have the acid in my system from the sodas anymore or ?

Im not really a big health expert tbh
Dear DLow, I must say I am not a medicinal expert either, however, judging from the longevity of your actions with different types of sodas I would say it is going to take a while for your body to get used to not drinking sodas, which would result in you reacting different to different types of food.

Knowing the audience here, I would say you have picked the worst place for a medicinal advice, you should perhaps try asking at Yahoo! Answers, however, just to be on the safe side, I would say consulting with a medicinal expert of that field would be your best bet.
Best of luck.
Well if it was'nt for Obama and insurance rising through the roof i would make a dr appointment :P

But yeah thats kind of what im thinking ive started working out more i mean i always have i started taking some creatine before & after don't think that would affect me and eating foods though.

Dont get me wrong im not fat im actually a pretty built guy a 6' and 174lbs
What kind of health concerns were you having as a result of the excessive soda drinking?

If you drank a lot of soda it could have increased your stomach acid being created to the point that your body slowed down some. Now that the soda isn't coming it, it might not be making as much acid as needed. Provided that your diagnosis had nothing to do with your stomach lining I think you'll be fine. It might just take some time for your body to adjust to the acid-maker being gone.
Literally the same thing has happened to me as well except I drank a lot of energy drinks (red bull, monster, rockstar, bawls, etc.) instead. I think they might have fucked with my stomach lining/acid too much so now food doesn't digest enough or sit well. I'm going to a doc soon (that specializes in this type of prob) cause I miss my fried Oreos way too much.
Well my main worry that made me slow down was a over active balder if i drunk a lot of soda id piss non-stop now that ive slowed it down i go to rest room on normal basis agian.

But i have non-stop issues with food now. Very sucky
There could be one of few things involved:

1) The foods are dirty and chance of this happening is very minimal i know but this option has to be there just incase.

2) its your metabolism, have you started going to the gym/running lately? because if its that then your body probably has gotten used to you eating healthy food which satisfy's your body and technically it should be faster aswell.. but thats a good thing, this is the way it should be.

3) Either you're over eating or its just psycological.

This happened with me aswell when i used to eat junk food and just went on a diet straight away whenever like on a cheat day (sundays for me) i would eat junk food my stomach would feel really full and heavy making me feel like i might get sick! but i would get better the next day.

I guess its just our body it gets used to our habits, that is why all atheletes whenever train there bodies they always switch up routines and diet after a while because our body gets used to it.
Dlow it just means you got acid reflux..

Its normal to out of no where get worse as time goes by since it has to do with how much grease you eat.
Best thing to help to continue your craving for grease is to get amino acid pills and take them each day.

You need to eat less grease if you dont wanna gag and throw up.
install gentoo

You're not suppose to go cold turkey with these kinds of things DLow.

Find something else to replace the soda, carbonated water for instance. The shit that is fucking with your stomach is the artificial sweetners they put in them, meaning start replacing the sweetner with idk, some fruit?

Worst place to ask as said previously, go to a doctor.
Well i figured there would be others on here with the same issue

@Loony its not making me sick to throw up. Its making me sick to where i got to go shit :|
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