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need least 100gb space
bandwidth unmetered or 1tb

its private use only to keep backup my website every 3days which at the min is 40gb space but will get bigger soon

thought its worth asking budget $3

must not be a newbie and must have a website
Hostgator price is higher then his budget and will nt allow you to store file more then 20GB .

Hostgator allows you to store more than 20GB. But they will remove your site from their weekly backup plan, so you have to do your backups yourself.

Here's the catch with the unlimited plans. (This is with 99% off any unlimited plan with any webhost, they use the inodes system)
The use of more than 250,000 inodes on any shared account may potentially result in a warning first, and if no action is taken future suspension. Accounts found to be exceeding the 100,000 inode limit will automatically be removed from our backup system to avoid over-usage, however databases will still be backed up. Every file (a webpage, image file, email, etc) on your account uses up 1 inode.

So, if you haven't reached 20GB of data, but have more than 100.000 files stored on your server. They will remove you from their weekly backup plan too.
If you are storing more than 250.000 files, you'll get a warning and if no action is taken, you'll get suspended.

1 File = 1 Inode
With your budget it is never going to happen.
The cheapest way would be to get a VPS with fairly low CPU and RAM but large disk space.

I know there was a provider providing VPS's for backup purposes but I can not remember who... Have a feeling they were based in Germany.
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