My WP blog using Full server CPU , idea to Fix ?

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Hello WJ and its members

Recently im having a weird problem with my current WP blog hosted on a VPS
The amount of CPU usage spikes whenever the site is opened and it rises to about 100+% many times , No idea whats going on
The process which does this is /public_html/index.php

Here is the screenshot when someone opens the site whats tte CPU usage


and once the site is loaded it comes back to 1% again

Here are few things which are already running on my site

Plugins: About 6 only which inlcude both minify and WP super cache

Anyone got any idea what the problem can be ?

im not expert, but when i was using w3 cache or so plugin with my wp blog instead of fast loading it was damn sloooow, i removed that plugin and everything is ok now, ofcourse i think that i missconfigured something, but maybe try to remove it too, it may help you ;)
It might be because of several things acting up. what you need to do is find out the exact thing causing issues.

If you have root access, login to the server using ssh and type "top" [without quotes]. It will list the top entities eating resources.

paste'em here and I would be able to help.
i suggest u disable all plugins and re-enable them one by one to see which one is acting up...also shift to w3 total cache...supercache sucks.
The problem is now im not able to login in to my VPS they have agains suspended my account
Now i think cant do anything coz everything site is up it will go down
Did you optimize your VPS? How are you running PHP? First you need to make sure your VPS Node isn't overloaded. Then I'd highly recommend you using W3 Total Cache instead of WP Super Cache. Once you optimize your VPS and configure W3 Total Cache well, you should see great performance and improved page loading times.
^ Thanks for responding here bro :)

I asked my VPS seller to transfer my site from shared hosting to VPS and he did that , and since then its overloading the CPU like hell , but that only happens when someone opens sites i,e index.php is being acccessed after 4 seconds it comes to normal

Now im unable to do anything as hosting is down again and so is my site , if i try to do something CPU usage spikes and suspend again ://
15 people online , it doesnt matter , if only a person is online and he enters the site the CPU goes up and back to normal in 4 seconds
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