My new URL shortening site needs your input

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Uterus Spacecraft

Active Member
Be sure to check out the features.. you can even put in your own advertising and effectively use it to run an ad campaign. As far as I know you can run adsense in a frame, I run Chitika. It is awesome for twitter as you get impressions from every person who clicks it! I only have like 50 followers and I get 20+ hits per post. It's also got tracking, custom URLs, password protected links, time limited links, link tracking w/ referrer, time and IP, QR codes and microsoft tags for every link and I'm sure theres more I'm just forgetting it.

Is anyone in doing an advertising campaign this way? I think it is pretty cool I can tell you how to do it if anyone is interested.

Check it:
It is simply bullshit and waste of time if we will add this and submit we will get banned and there are many other nice site other than yours so we should use those instead of yours.

That's the point of using twitter <_< and because there isn't a single other company that lets you set custom urls and ad your own advertisements plus all of the other features I mentioned. This is for social networking and forums but not for submitting it to whatever ddl site you submit to.
Very promising site, you provide good and USEFULL features and API, good :)

But most of people prefer to use already stabilished sites, new sites have many chances to close and if you use the service you will lost all links.

Is only my point of view, the site is great, but honestly i prefer use already stabilished sites.
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