My alertpay account has been hold

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Hi all I wish anyone help me depending on his experience with alertpay
about 6 or 7 days ago my account has been hold and a message of hold appeared to me when I access my account

after it with 12 hours I received a message from alertpay Informing me with
"AlertPay: Payment reversal notification"
then I know that some one send me a fraud money the matter that I have a hosting company and some one purchased to me for hosting his website via alertpay
then when I know that the payment has been reserved I contact with him and told to me that some one too send to him money then make a transaction dispute

well after I contacting with alertpay by phone and by tickets they ordered a photos for ID and bank statement I uploaded it then they said

"We are currently awaiting requested documents and information from the senders of the funds. As such at this moment we are unable to restore access to your AlertPay account.

Alternately please provide any proof you have to confirm services that have been provided"

and after I received it I uploaded 4 screenshot that proofs that I provided the sender with the service and talked with the sender he told me that he contact alertpay and explain the matter and said to them that I am off-topic then I got a reply today with

"As per our previous e-mail, we are currently awaiting requested documents and information from the senders of the funds. As we are still awaiting for the sender to comply to our request, we are unable to restore access to your AlertPay acc"

after that I phoned alertpay and contact the security department and they said to me that the sender didn't talk to us yet despite that I am sure the sender talked to them because he gives me the ticket ID and when I give the ticket ID they said they didn't received it then I asked a definite question
let's suppose that the sender didn't contact you or uploaded documents that's mean that I will lose my account forever and the reply was " you will not be able to restore your account until we receive the documents from the sender "

so anyone knows any way to make them restore my account ??

Why is it that this always happens to people with fake info? I already had several disputes that were all resolved. I never had an on hold status.
How long ago?
If everything is correct then I'm sure it will be restored.

Was your account verified before that?
about 8 days ago
they take a strange policy with me they insist that they will nor remove the hold from my account till the sender send his documents , I am not responsible for the sender documents , I have uploaded all the documents they ordered from me
Well, it is a fact that AlertPAy has never been known for fast customer support.
Have you already tried their support thread on WJunction?
You cannot provide proof of purchase in the form of a tracking number, because you sold software. Bottom line is that you have to pay the fine (around $25). This is true for every transaction for an item that is not physical goods. They do not provide insurance for "non-tangible goods" - a.k.a software/hosting.

It isnt actually just AlertPay/PayPal, credit companies do not really recognise that we are in the year 2012 now, they still live in the stone age. Don't ask me how companies like steam operate. I guess they make so much money they arent even on the same agreement.
why they didn't such thing like this , I don't care about the money , I only want to restore my account because 75% of my business rely on alertpay , Should I contact them and ask about this ?
I swear I didn't see a bad support at my life like alertpay support team
now I called them and the operator of security team don't want me to call them again until the damn sender his damn documents LOL
Hi all,

Quick reminder to everyone about our service level agreement. Responses to support tickets are given within 2 business days, which means between Monday and Friday. However, if you update your ticket before we send you a reply, then you reset the response delay.

If you have support questions, please post them on the Official AlertPay Support Thread where the AlertPay Team can address them within 48 business hours.

Thanks for your patience and collaboration in this matter,
Hi all,

Quick reminder to everyone about our service level agreement. Responses to support tickets are given within 2 business days, which means between Monday and Friday. However, if you update your ticket before we send you a reply, then you reset the response delay.

If you have support questions, please post them on the Official AlertPay Support Thread where the AlertPay Team can address them within 48 business hours.

Thanks for your patience and collaboration in this matter,
well Tanya I have post a reply waiting answer and explanation for my problem
Heylow Alertpay Team Members Help me


I want to know why alertpay close my account, i have every proof and i attached my bank account and everything legal then why alertpay currently restricted my account. And i called them many time but they always not tell me proper answer kindly resolve my issue.

Its my Email of Alertpay :

Kindly check my Email and resolve my issue because i want to pay my fees and alertpay close my account Now tell me what i do ?

please solve this issue as soon as possible

waiting for you answer

well Tanya I have post a reply waiting answer and explanation for my problem

Hi matriex,

I understand that you have posted on this thread and others regarding your account-related issues.

Nevertheless, I would like to know if you submitted a support ticket to our Customer Support Dept. If not, I would highly encourage it as we are talking about a specific AlertPay account in this case. Here is the link: I want to ensure that your personal information is being not jeopardized by addressing account-specific issues in public venues.

Thanks a lot for reaching out to us,
Hi matriex,

I understand that you have posted on this thread and others regarding your account-related issues.

Nevertheless, I would like to know if you submitted a support ticket to our Customer Support Dept. If not, I would highly encourage it as we are talking about a specific AlertPay account in this case. Here is the link: I want to ensure that your personal information is being not jeopardized by addressing account-specific issues in public venues.

Thanks a lot for reaching out to us,

I have post only at the official thread and my thread .please check my post at the official thread and you will find a ticket number

or please read the first post at this topic and you will know everything about the case
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