ModulesGarden WHMCS Module Updates


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This week’s round-up of news that we have the pleasure to present you with consists of not one, or two, but FOUR of our modules tremendously updated with WHMCS V8.2 support. But before we dig deeper into each one of them, we would like to take this occasion to send out some particularly thrilling reminder.

1. Proxmox VPS For Blesta

The following days mark your final opportunity to become a part of an inspiring Blesta community gathered to support our vision of a module geared professionally towards the fully automated provisioning and detailed management of Proxmox servers - Proxmox VPS For Blesta!

Once you have a hand in this unique project, you can grab multiple appealing rewards in token of our boundless appreciation!

Let’s put Proxmox VPS For Blesta to powerful action!

2. OpenStack Projects For WHMCS 1.2.0

The substantial 1.2.0 update of OpenStack Projects For WHMCS has everything you need and more to be a perfect fit for your business agenda!

The long list of its advantages now also includes highly modernized mechanisms of the projects and domains creation, as well as the updated integration with Advanced Billing For WHMCS.

Find out more about OpenStack Projects For WHMCS 1.2.0!

3. Products Reseller For WHMCS 1.3.0

If you think Products Reseller For WHMCS has reached the end of its options for the integration with other ModulesGarden modules, you’d better catch your jaw before it drops to the floor. This exquisite reselling toolkit now features the full-scale compatibility with Plesk Key Administrator For WHMCS, empowering your resellers to offer licenses of Plesk, CloudLinux and many other renowned providers!

Find out more about Products Reseller For WHMCS 1.3.0!

4. Advanced Billing For WHMCS 3.7.0

Our respected Advanced Billing For WHMCS needs no detailed introduction, however, what surely deserves a special mention is the module’s 3.7.0 version offering the newly secured integration with Hetzner VPS For WHMCS as well as a vastly enhanced one with OpenStack Projects For WHMCS.

Find out more about Advanced Billing For WHMCS 3.7.0!

5. Hetzner VPS For WHMCS 1.5.0

If you take advantage of the asbolutely fresh 1.5.0 version of Hetzner VPS For WHMCS, your clients will no doubt jump at the opportunity to manage firewalls, as well as monitor CPU, memory usage, and the network traffic - all presented in the neat form of graphs.

Find out more about Hetzner VPS For WHMCS 1.5.0!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Proxmox VPS For Blesta - Project Results

Much as we are deeply appreciative of your active participation in our first-ever Kickstarter initiative, the community interest sadly didn’t translate to pledges big enough to cover the designated project’s costs. What exactly does it mean for our commercial Blesta offer?

Please allow us some time to reflect on this experience so as to decide on further actions. In the meantime, you are welcome to take full advantage of our custom software development services in order to have any sort of Blesta module built individually according to all specific requirements of your business.

Explore what we offer in full detail!

2. Multibrand For WHMCS v2.9.0

All tech-savvy researchers agree that the application of professional text message grows fast, and is only expected to continue growing through the rest of 2021. That makes perfect sense considering how relatively cheap SMS marketing is, or how it boasts almost unlimited reach, and much better open and response rates than email.

However, if you run multiple brands at once, odds are that you may find juggling hundreds of text messages on a daily basis to be rather laborious, to say the least. We wouldn’t blame you if you feel that way - that is, of course, only until you meet our game-changing Multibrand For WHMCS 2.9.0!

We have armed this legendary solution with flawless compatibility with another much-liked module: SMS Center For WHMCS. This innovative integration makes it not only possible, but also extremely easy to reach out to your clients via branded text messages, whether you want to send them singly or in bulk.

As you can see, no reason left for you to be afraid to tap the mighty potential of SMS marketing. So what are you waiting for?

Go the SMS way with Multibrand For WHMCS!

3. EasyDCIM v1.8.0

Whether you are years deep into managing your data center, or just dipping your toes into the water, the all-new 1.8.0 version of EasyDCIM is sure to strike you with wonder. This brand-new update draws from the modern potential of data visualization, channelling all its advantages into two totally new sections of the platform:

  • "Locations" - giving you better control over the locations by means of the world map, coupled with elegantly shaped statistics and graphs on traffic and power consumption.
  • "Floors & Racks" - introducing the building's 2D view with a grid of each floor for the smartest management of floors and racks possible.

An extra supplement to this graphically enhanced release comes in the form of two additional system templates - each assisting you with the automated installation of an operating system that will do a grand job in replacing CentOS Linux. The talk is about: Rocky Linux 8 and Oracle Linux 8!

The full list of changes goes on an on - would you like to snatch a glimpse at the rest now?

Set the tone for a tasteful admin experience with EasyDCIM v1.8.0!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?

Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
Although it's hardly a new concept, surveys are still counted among the most effective means to look deeper beneath the surface of customer experience. You can, and most likely do, make use of them to collect customer feedback at various stages of your relationship. But have you ever given some real thought to that one type of insight offered by customers who no longer want to use your products? After all, this particular angle on your business is too educational not to pay attention to it.

Our Cancellation Center For WHMCS has been designed exclusively for the purpose of putting together various questionnaires going in-depth into motives underlying cancellation requests submitted by your clients. The module’s just announced 1.1.0 version comes with its own choice of new utilities which can help you better shape the contect of your surveys.
  • New "Scale" question type - allow your clients to grade their answers on the scale from 0 to 10.
  • Faster configuration of relations - assign questions directly to product groups.
  • Multi-language support - create more than one version of a question, each in a different language.
Here's one tip that always helps: the bigger the amount of feedback you compile, the better the understanding you will gain to tailor your product base!

Reach deeper in the minds of your clients with Cancellation Center For WHMCS 1.1.0!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Proxmox modules for WHMCS v3.3.0

As the buzz of excitement slowly slips away after the momentous introduction of Proxmox VE 7.0 support to our Proxmox-oriented modules, we are more than ready to announce the release of a brand-new 3.3.0 version with another shared, and not a tad less noteworthy new feature - proxy for Proxmox console connections!

This remarkably good functionality will give your infrastructure a security boost by hiding your Proxmox server - this way, your clients will not get to know its actual address when connecting to the server via the console in your system.

What also links the updated Proxmox Cloud VPS For WHMCS and Proxmox VPS For WHMCS is the full-scale integration with WHMCS V8.3 Beta, which makes them the first products officially confirmed to work well with this newly developed system edition. Stay on the lookout for more news on that very soon!

Don’t wait to dig deeper into all new layers of Proxmox modules!

2. GoGetSSL For WHMCS v2.6.0

Supplied with the pack of updated email templates, the spanking-new edition of our free GoGetSSL For WHMCS module comes as the second premium release of the week.

A quick tip: Can't wait to take advantage of the new templates? Do not forget to delete the existing ones first, and then disable and reactivate the SSL addon!

Get the full insight into GoGetSSL For WHMCS v2.6.0!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. 10% OFF EVERYTHING - Last Call!

There is not much time left, but you can still apply the exclusive 10% promo code to absolutely any product available at our Marketplace. If you don’t have yours yet, here’s a brief guide:

Do a quick sightseeing tour around the key areas of PanelAlpha - a totally new WordPress-focused platform supplied with a wide-ranging toolkit that automates the host of provisioning and management tasks.

Tell us what you think about its visual and functional qualities via a 2-minute survey.

Enjoy an immediate reward for your active support!

It's as simple as that!

2. DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS 3.7.0

Another spectacular duo confirmed!

DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS has been levelled up to the 3.7.0 version driven by the ambitious goal of introducing the foolproof integration with WordPress Manager For WHMCS together with WHMCS V8.3 support!

Upon such a powerful combination of modules, your customers will be free to carry out all kinds of actions on their WordPress instances, plugins and backups without the need to ever leave the account management panel located in your system.

Learn more about DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS 3.7.0!

3. Curious to see plenty of other modules that made it on the list of this week’s updates?

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Plesk Extended For WHMCS 3.6.0

As the WordPress community is growing rapidly in numbers, and the integration we introduced of late between DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS and our WordPress-based module has met with such a considerable interest, we had no other choice but to embrace this potential on even more levels. The effect is nothing short of extraordinary: our Plesk Extended For WHMCS is now flawlessly integrated with WordPress Manager For WHMCS as well!

This brand-new integration is all about giving your clients the possibility to perform every key action on WordPress instances, plugins and backups straight within the management panel of their Plesk accounts.

Since, however, the just released 3.6.0 version went through quite a few more solid changes, you need to study the module’s changelog detail by detail not to miss any of it!

Find out more about Plesk Extended For WHMCS 3.6.0!

2. Challenges behind selling dedicated servers - EasyDCIM Blog

After providing a series of arguments showing clearly that selling dedicated servers can be both
a prosperous and almost effortless venture, the professionals at EasyDCIM come back with another chapter of this enthralling Blog series. Their newest article will earn you a close look at seven most common challenges that anyone pursuing a career in server reselling should deal with effectively in order to make a name for themselves on the ever more competitive market.

Turn the challenges into opportunities!

3. Brand-new MetricsCube video tutorials

If there's anyone who could teach you a thing or two about the key metrics for your WHMCS business, it's undoubtedly the creators of MetricsCube. Now using their vast knowledge to your advantage has become even easier! Their Youtube channel has been recently updated with as many as 4 new video tutorials to show you around every nook and cranny of the following reports:

Watch how MetricsCube works its magic!

4. WHMCS V8.3 support list

Great news! The General Availability of WHMCS V8.3 has just been announced, yet we are already halfway into our extensive compatibility tests! Just a quick look at the up-to-date list on our official Forums will keep you up to speed on which WHMCS modules can be safely installed in this brand-new environment.

Browse the complete WHMCS V8.3 support list!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Virusdie For WHMCS – NEW & FREE!

In the modern times, no one needs to be convinced of the importance of web security to the business reputation. Knowing that not all your customers may be aware of how to protect their sites in an effective way, why don’t you jump at the opportunity to help them out?

After all, our brand-new Virusdie For WHMCS serves this special purpose to the fullest! Developed in cooperation with the well-known web hosting protection experts from Virusdie, the module will open up the possibility for you to supply all kinds of Virusdie plans in both automatic and on-demand manner.

With it, your client area will allow the remote use of a malware scanner, auto cleanups, and firewall, as well as offer instant access to key protection parameters. In addition to handling the scan intervals, you will freely manage the status of firewall and malicious code removals.

Download Virusdie For WHMCS right away!

2. EasyDCIM v1.8.1 Released!

How can you tell that the system has great potential? The criteria are plenty, but the capability of a platform to grow in multiple different directions simultaneously definitely works in its favor. This concept is especially true for EasyDCIM, which has just been promoted to the 1.8.1 version!

In their latest Blog publication, the experts from EasyDCIM went into details of their most favorite new functionalities that fall under the umbrella of:

See in how many ways EasyDCIM has changed for you!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
Hop into the celebration of ModulesGarden’s 10th Anniversary!

There are some particularly majestic points in business paths of all sorts that rightly deserve the extra special kind of attention. For the entire ModulesGarden family right now it is for sure reaching the milestone of the 10th Anniversary! It has been an enormous privilege to serve your needs in a myriad of ways, and develop exponentially alongside you for this past decade.

In our Blog, we invite you to see with your own eyes how much we have grown surrounded with your enthusiastic support. And to make the ongoing celebrations even more memorable, we have arranged two kinds of exclusive offers that you are most welcome to take full advantage of!

Join the festivities and save up to 50%!
1. ModulesGarden 10th Anniversary - Save up to 50%!

It is with immense pride and more pleasure than ever that we spread this smashing news: ModulesGarden now boasts a decade of professional activity… and still going strong!

We would like to thank wholeheartedly the entire wjunction community for being an infinite source of inspiration and support during all these 10 years - we would never have accomplished this much if it wasn’t for our dearest customers!

On this exceptional occasion, let us invite you to one of the biggest promotions ever launched at ModulesGarden. We have arranged two generous discounts allowing you to pay even 50% less for all modules offered at our Marketplace - head over to our Blog and learn all the necessary details!

Let’s get this party rolling!

2. WordPress Manager For WHMCS 1.7.0

Supplied with tons of fresh energy to continue our hard work, let us announce the hottest release that November has brought so far: WordPress Manager For WHMCS 1.7.0!

We have added a pack of excellent new features to help you see to the wants of your audience even more effectively. Let’s go straight to the details:
  • Extended View - your clients are now given a choice between a classic list and a brand-new view with screen thumbnails and action tools for the management of their WordPress instances.
  • Website Details - the scope of remotely accessible data has been extended to cover Google "PageSpeed Insights" statistics.
  • Maintenance Mode - ensures the safety of instance conservation by allowing clients to temporarily close their websites.
  • Users Management - WordPress user accounts with specified permission roles can be now created and viewed without leaving your client area.
Give your business a cutting edge with WordPress Manager For WHMCS 1.7.0!

3. MetricsCube MRR Breakdown for WHMCS

Considering that nearly every web hosting service comes as a subscription-based offering, one would assume that all businesses are perfectly aware of how important the habitual MRR analysis is. Sadly, the reality is much different. So, which group do you fall into?

There is a brand-new piece of reading on the MetricsCube Blog showing how MRR Breakdown can help you fill in all the gaps in understanding Monthly Recurring Revenue. Learn from the MetricsCube Founder himself how to scale your MRR figures up and watch an essential video guide through every nook and cranny of MRR Breakdown.

Attain your business goals through educated choices!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. ModulesGarden 10th Anniversary - Last Call!

Nothing has ever given us more joy and satisfaction than celebrating the goal of achieving a decade of professional experience, but, as they say, all good things must come to an end. We are slowly closing on our exciting 10th Anniversary Promotion!

Hurry along to get your hands on discounts reaching 50% before they disappear once and for all at the end of this Sunday!

Get involved in the anniversary festivities!

2. Vultr VPS For WHMCS - NEW!

Have you noticed that our Marketplace grew substantially bigger? It's all thanks to our brand-new Vultr VPS For WHMCS allowing you to smoothly provision and remotely manage Vultr virtual machines.

With this high-standard product, your clients will easily order the servers tailored to their requirements, and afterwards carry out all kinds of management operations over their machines from within one place - your WHMCS system.

Look for more exciting details, including a huge 20% Deal Of The Week discount, directly on our website!

Learn more about Vultr VPS For WHMCS!

3. Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS - NEW!

We are even more thrilled to announce that Vultr VPS For WHMCS is not the only new addition to our vast collection of provisioning modules - another recently developed module we take the pleasure in presenting you today is Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS!

How would you like the power to handle different limits for VHI S3 user accounts as well as combine the module with our well-known Advanced Billing For WHMCS? Get more information on our website and grab it now to feel the advantage!

Learn more about Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Cloud Billing For WHMCS 1.2.0 - 33% OFF

Our powerful Cloud Billing For WHMCS has been designed with a view to filling the ever-bigger demand for a tool that would finally allow AWS and Google Cloud providers to manage their customer billing - defining percentage billing margins for the selected services and charging clients automatically - without having to constantly switch between the WHMCS system and other software pieces.

Today, this innovative module is celebrating the addition of several quality new improvements inside the just rolled out 1.2.0 version that is certain to make your business forge ahead.

The officially confirmed compatibility with WHMCS V8.3 goes hand in hand with the modernized management of tags and labels as well as the enhanced billing collecting for AWS services, which now allows a greater scope of details to be viewed easily in your system.

And that still is not everything! We cordially invite you to tap into the freshly updated functionality of our Cloud Billing For WHMCS 1.2.0 while spending 33% less via the ongoing Deal Of The Week!

Learn more about Cloud Billing For WHMCS 1.2.0!

2. Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS - 33% OFF

Are you staying up to speed on our extensive choice of provisioning modules? Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS, which arrived at our Marketplace just a couple of weeks ago, takes on an important task of automating the provisioning and handling of VHI S3 user accounts.

Act quick and put this quality software to action while the massive 33% discount is still at hand!

Learn more about Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS!

3. Polish Language Translation For WHMCS 2.2.0

Here at ModulesGarden, we realize how challenging it might be to work with a system in a language other than your own. So in response to our Polish-speaking clientele, we have updated our Polish Language Translation For WHMCS with over 400 new and revised translations allowing you to unlock Polish across your WHMCS V8.3.1 system for all customers, guests and admins.

Learn more about Polish Language Translation For WHMCS 2.2.0!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
Good day folks!

For everyone whose mind was boggling over the upcoming Black Friday event, we’ve got even more thrilling news.

A week-long shopping festival has just kicked off, empowering you to pick up each and every product from our Marketplace
at a huge 21% discountopen source and license upgrades count as well!

Keep in mind that our Black Week Cyber Sale finishes on December 3rd. Don’t overlook the chance and grab as many modules as you only crave!

Drop by for groundbreaking bargains!
1. Black Week Cyber Sale – 21% OFF everything!

The end of our whopping Black Week Cyber Sale is getting dangerously close! Don’t postpone satisfying the cravings for your ideal software gear, and pick up every single module with a handsome 21% discount that remain up for grabs until December 3rd.

The offer not only includes open source products and license upgrades, but also extends so far as to cover even the most recent additions to our Marketplace:
  • Freshservice For WHMCS - allow the comfort of using Freshservice tools without leaving your client area while your support teams manage all WHMCS tickets directly in Freshservice.
  • Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS - automatically supply and control VHI S3 user accounts with previously specified limits of operations, bandwidth and the total usage of storage.
  • Vultr VPS For WHMCS - handle the provisioning of Vultr servers automatically, allow clients to adjust the machine details, enter the console and perform other actions remotely.

Embrace the hefty savings with our Black Week Cyber Sale!

2. Products Reseller For WHMCS 1.4.0

If you are developing your own reselling business, but don’t really know how to effectively spread your wings, our brand-new Products Reseller For WHMCS 1.4.0 comes to the rescue!

Besides adding new API options, we have also implemented quite a few nifty features that will make using our module even more versatile. More specifically, this brand-new 1.4.0 update marks the official premiere of Softaculous Virtualizor integration! With your resellers empowered to include Virtualizor servers as part of their offerings, Products Reseller For WHMCS will bring you one step closer to gaining worldwide recognition!

Reach a turning point in your career with Products Reseller For WHMCS 1.4.0!

3. The status of being updated most recently also belongs to:

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Brand-new dimension of custom software development services

To score a glowing success on the increasingly competitive market, you need just as much competitive tools to aid you on a daily basis. What if you could have every tiniest requirement built into your software equipment so that it fits your unique business profile?

It fills us with great pride to announce that our portfolio of custom software development services has undergone a major advancement to welcome three big-league platforms:
  • Ubersmith
  • Clientexec
  • WooCommerce
Nothing is impossible for our team who can easily turn your wildest expectations into a finely constructed plugin or module enhancing substantially the operational powers of your current toolkit.

Let’s push your dream project full steam ahead!

2. Proxmox VE modules for WHMCS 3.4.0

All Proxmox VE enjoyers out there had better not miss out on this week’s premium release at ModulesGarden - the 3.4.0 version of our Proxmox VE Cloud VPS For WHMCS and Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS modules has just popped up on our website!

Among over a dozen new options being part of this dual update, you will discover:
  • Proxmox VE 7.1 support
  • Your clients are newly empowered to set "Storage Disk Space" while placing the order with a configurable option to be used instead of "Disk Space"
  • The network-related merge field variables can now be used for Cloud-Init scripts
  • There is a new "IP Logs" section in the Proxmox Addon module that stores information on changes in the assignment of IP addresses
  • Clients are also free to download firewall rules for backup purposes and quickly restore them after the server has been reinstalled
The range of improvements worth careful exploration is much larger than what can possibly be covered here, so make your next stop at our website!

3. CRM For WHMCS 2.8.0

Your number one module for professional customer relationship management has just stepped up to the next version - welcome CRM For WHMCS 2.8.0! A couple of advantages you can gain thanks to this invigorating update:
  • If there are multiple Google Calendars on the account, you can choose which one the module will sync to
  • You can now automatically synchronize changes made to the WHMCS client profile with CRM contact details and the other way around
If your appetite for this quality tool has just grown stronger, you know where to look for more - see the full changelog of CRM For WHMCS 2.8.0!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. The future of our Proxmox VE modules is in your hands!

With each powerful new update, our Proxmox VE Cloud VPS For WHMCS and Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS continue to prove that their growth potential really is inexhaustible. Because how else to explain their freshly delivered 3.4.0 version packed with over a dozen features built entirely from scratch like Proxmox VE 7.1 support?

To determine what’s next on the map of the modules’ further development, for some time to come we will focus primarily on collecting any possible kind of insight on the functional capacities that they are yet to offer. To make sharing the feedback easy for you, a short survey has been made available with just a single question that will afford us a closer look into your specific expectations. Let your voice be heard and get clued in on our very own ideas at one fell swoop - a double win with so little effort!

Impact what tomorrow brings for the legendary Proxmox VE modules!

2. Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS 1.3.0

How would you feel seeing your AWS provisioning business growing above and beyond your bravest hopes and aspirations?

Owing exclusively to Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS 1.3.0 such a blissful scenario is no longer just a dream! At the very top of the list of new features is comprehensive support for the just announced WHMCS V8.4, but don't let that steal all your attention. There are at least a few other reasons why we are bringing this update right before your eyes today:
  • Creating custom instances is now possible using your own snapshots instead of blueprints.
  • You are now given freedom to provide "Random Domain Prefix" instead of the service hostname in the process of creating the instance name.
  • The module has been equipped with support for WHMCS "Disk Space" and "Bandwidth" resource usage statistics.
The module’s changelog will do best with showing you around all the remaining new modernizations.

Read more about Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS 1.3.0!

3. SolusVM Extended Reseller For WHMCS 1.4.0

With a string of richly satisfying improvements, the 1.4.0 version of SolusVM Extended Reseller For WHMCS has arrived at our Marketplace as the second official release of the week. The module’s performance has been bettered in a wide range of layers, including the addition of WHMCS V8.4 support as well as the option dedicated to handling the suspension of your resellers - just see for yourself!

Read more about SolusVM Extended Reseller For WHMCS 1.4.0!

4. CRM For WHMCS - 10% OFF

Our famous tool for professional customer relationship management debuted last week in the major 2.8.0 version. Now you may be wondering why exactly we are choosing to mention CRM For WHMCS at this particular moment? Because only if you add the module to your shopping cart real quick, you will still be able to score an attractive 10% discount unlocked by our ongoing Deal Of The Day offer!

Read more about CRM For WHMCS!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Feel the Christmas spirit and pay 11% less!

At the close of another vibrant and highly creative year, we gratefully pause to wish you a warm and joyful holiday season. May the sweet atmosphere of Christmas conspire to make your dreams come true, and accompany your business development throughout the coming New Year!

To make this special time even merrier, we have prepared for you a magical Christmas Promotion! Find out on our Blog how to fully benefit from the 11% discount applicable to each module offered on our Marketplace.

2. DNS Manager For WHMCS 3.0

Much to our delight, we announce that DNS Manager For WHMCS has reached the 3.0 milestone!

To celebrate this significant stage in the module's development, we rebuilt the interface of the entire client area into a form that is both extremely intuitive for your customers, and eye-pleasing at the same time. Ready to assist your clients with all kinds of actions on DNS records, record sets as well as zones is also the keenly-expected bulk management tool!

Read more on the ins and outs of DNS Manager For WHMCS 3.0!

3. EasyDCIM v1.8.2

We are genuinely pleased to confirm the official availability of EasyDCIM v1.8.2, the cutting-edge platform for automated data center management. The most noteworthy features that you are being invited to apply for the first time have been packed into the following two extensions:

  • Switch Management v1.4.0 has made large-scale progress within the vast confines of VLAN management specifically due to unlocked support for switches with the HPE Comware Software and Arista VEOS systems.
  • Thanks to OS Installation v1.9.5, the rapidly growing collection of OS templates welcomed two new in-demand arrivals, allowing the automatic installation of Proxmox VE 7.1 and Debian 11 "bullseye" systems.
While on the subject of EasyDCIM, we also specifically recommend you check out EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS comprehensively enhanced to offer impeccable support for WHMCS V8.3 and V8.4.

Get to know EasyDCIM v1.8.2 down to the smallest detail!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
Before we officially inaugurate the 2022 release season, we cordially invite you to explore our personal "Best of 2021" list. From proxy for Proxmox console to DNS Manager For WHMCS 3.0, the review features all WHMCS module updates which have been ranked as the greatest projects of the last year. Enjoy!

Take a stroll down memory lane with us!

1. Deal Of The Week: Amazon EC2 For WHMCS 1.4.0 - 25% OFF!

We cannot think of any better way to kick off this new year than with yet another major event in the evolution of our Amazon EC2 For WHMCS.

This prominent module that automates the chores of provisioning and management of Amazon EC2 instances has just been supplied with a set of pioneering new functionalities:
  • "User Data File" can be defined to configure an instance or run a configuration script during the launch process.
  • When using configurable options, your clients are now allowed to select the "User Data" script files.
  • Smarty support has been introduced for "User Data" scripts.
Unlock new powers of Amazon EC2 For WHMCS at a 25% lower price!

2. Resellers Center For WHMCS 3.9.0

You will get a clear idea of how momentous the new 3.9.0 update of Resellers Center For WHMCS is as soon as you find out that the entire module code has been carefully refreshed.

If this particular news has awakened your curiosity, we can only wonder what will happen the moment you explore a whole host of other improvements we have brought to action!

Learn more exciting details about Resellers Center For WHMCS 3.9.0!

3. Since the first day of 2022, we have also released the following module updates:

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. WHMCS V8.4 General Availability

Now that the entire WHMCS community is thrilled at the news of WHMCS V8.4 having reached the final level of „General Availability”, we will push full steam ahead to bring each and every module from our vast Marketplace into faultless compatibility with this red-hot system environment.

Keep track of our WHMCS V8.4 support tests!

2. The future shape of Proxmox VE modules for WHMCS - Survey

With a view to ensuring that our products are tailored to your needs as closely as possible, we cordially invite you to answer one simple question that will allow us to go in-depth into your Proxmox VE experience. Because who else knows better than you in what new ways our Proxmox VE Cloud VPS For WHMCS and Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS modules can still prove helpful?

Come and join us in this quick survey!

3. Are you team Freshservice or Freshdesk?

As soon as our Freshworks module family has expanded with Freshservice For WHMCS, a number of questions popped up in our ticket system, all boiling down to one dilemma: which product should I go with?

We can’t answer that question for you, but we will gladly help you gain a clear understanding of what sets Freshservice For WHMCS and Freshdesk For WHMCS apart - a compelling article that is now up on our Blog discusses the most important differences and comparison factors to help you reach an informed decision.

Choose your next help desk software!

4. Freshdesk For WHMCS 1.4.0

On the other hand, if you think that your current ticket system could not get any better in terms of streamlining your customer support operations, you have to look into our newly released Freshdesk For WHMCS 1.4.0!

This powerful update will change your mind the moment you discover all the new possibilities it unlocks, such as:
  • Freshdesk Customer Widget [FREE!] – giving you instant access to all important WHMCS customer details without leaving the ticket view in the Freshdesk admin area.
  • The option to export tickets using a CLI cron command, which will prove particularly useful in case you need to export a large number of tickets submitted within some specific time frame.
Discover a fresh take on customer care with Freshdesk For WHMCS 1.4.0!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
Before we go in-depth on what must-see new updates this week has brought so far, we would like to offer a quick reminder to all those hoping to score some extra savings at our Marketplace.

Did you know we make different bargains available every single day?

For example, the following modules are today being offered at a 25% cheaper price:
So next time you’re in a mood for some excellent "Deal Of The Week" and "Deal Of The Day" opportunities, be sure to check back at least once a day!

1. Quotes Automation For WHMCS 2.2.0

To assist you through the sensitive ordering processes even more fluently, Quotes Automation For WHMCS has just received a handful of extra novel features, finely complemented by full-scale WHMCS V8.4 compatibility.

The 2.2.0 update introduces, among other things, the practical capability to choose whether clients need to log in before viewing the quote, or can access the details without doing so.

Learn more about the latest update of Quotes Automation For WHMCS!

2. SMS Center For WHMCS 3.12.0

Much to our delight, you can now enjoy all the supreme benefits of Releans and Zettatel gateways right inside your system owing to the all-new SMS Center For WHMCS 3.12.0!

Even with support for WHMCS V8.4 on the list of just added improvements, there’s still more major changes to be spotted in the modules’ operation. For instance, you can now disable the two-factor authentication exclusively for clients who, for some reason, have not yet provided the required phone number.

Learn more about the latest update of SMS Center For WHMCS!

3. Making headway with WHMCS V8.4 tests

Over the last 7 days, we managed to roll out as many as 26 new WHMCS V8.4 compatibility updates, including that of modules so interesting as Virusdie For WHMCS and Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS.

See the full record on our Forums!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!
1. Products Reseller For WHMCS 1.5.0

The only such empowering module that streamlines the reselling of products and services of any kind is currently celebrating a quality 1.5.0 update. Among the most tempting features newly implemented into Products Reseller For WHMCS, you will spot:
  • The officially confirmed compatibility with WHMCS V8.4
  • Dedicated integration with the WHMCS "Licensing Addon" module
  • The possibility for your resellers to choose a different billing cycle for your products than the ones defined in your system
  • A modern framework with enhanced UI for product configuration which is now available also in the integration modules
Reach out for more details of Products Reseller For WHMCS 1.5.0!

2. Freshworks solutions under the microscope

Our Blog has been recently updated with a brand-new business guide to walk you through some tricky, and not necessarily obvious software choices. Which solution’s flawless integration with WHMCS will prove to assist your business workflows better - Freshservice or Freshdesk?

Let’s figure this one out together!

3. Today's "Deal Of The Day" label goes to:
Be quick with ordering though, as these offers will be gone forever in just a few hours!

Need Custom Software Development For Your Business?
Specially for you we will adapt an application and its design to your own needs, create a new module or even a completely new system built from scratch!