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based on country?? PHP limit 64/128, PHP version, Mysql version, nulled script allowed??

Sorry nulled scripts are not allowed but pure ssd hosting in netherlands. If you can add us on skype click4easy, we'll able to help you more by providing you a demo account so that you could test it yourself

Thank you
based on country?? PHP limit 64/128, PHP version, Mysql version, nulled script allowed??

Sorry nulled scripts are not allowed but pure ssd hosting in netherlands. If you can add us on skype click4easy, we'll able to help you more by providing you a demo account so that you could test it yourself

Thank you

LOL i have two nulled scripts in hostgator and they never bitchin me, anyway thanks for good will, need luxembourgh based hosting with nulled script allowed, one more big thanks.
Just to clear something about DMCA because sure people not know. DMCA is a U.S. based copyright law, no other countries outside the U.S. are up to follow this law. Each country has its own laws on copyrights, it is advisable to first notify which countries has restrict copyright laws and which not doesn't. If you need to ask and be informed about a law you can do it by senting a email to our web hosting company (legal department) or opening a ticket.
dont need offshore hosting just luxembourg based

You definately need offshore hosting, as you said before you are hosting nulled scripts, which is not allowed in many countries.
HostGator will kick your ass if someone reports it.

Luxemburg is know for DMCA free policy.

Technically you are right, all European countries are DMCA free because DMCA is an USA law. However, a lot of countries (90%) respect this DMCA law. Including Luxembourg.
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