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Uterus Spacecraft

Active Member
Hey I need to work on SEO for my site so I can improve my SERP. I have a ton of indexed pages but my google traffic should be a lot higher!

If you're experienced with off/onsite SEO and are interested in helping me please post here or PM me.

I can pay (not a ton, though) or if you have a site I can upload for you in exchange for your help. Or maybe we can work something else out? Just let me know.
Thanks DLow.

To be honest if it's Downloadboss it's not too bad. Real SEO takes time. It can take up to 3 months to see your results in full. If it's a fairly new site I'd leave it and just concentrate on a few external links. The main site itself isn't too bad and doesn't really need somebody to be hired. Remove the Calendar. It's hundreds of pages a search bot can get lost in with no information.

Also their's not a lot of great SEO experts on WJ. You may be better asking elsewhere.
Mr. Happy your thread really helped me out I improved my forum descriptions and a lot of other things, but I'll disable the calendar especially since I don't use it.

edit: found it and deleted it :)

My site is around 3-4 months old at this point so I guess it is relatively new :P How should I focus on external links? I did a link exchange with blackshare which helped, but according to google I only have 2 links into my site.

I would go elsewhere but most SEO professionals don't deal with warez ;)
I would submit to all major search engines especially DMOZ, Another good way of helping your site go would be checking out Digg ive found it very useful
or basically its a script you put on your website/forum on certain post say, Free Rapid Share Accounts simply digg it and others will see on i mean personally i like Digg ive seen a few high end websites use it another good way is to find a bookmark app for your cms not saying this helps seo but it will gain many links over the www how ever provides you with a script that will let you submit threads or topics to many differnt websites via twitter,fb,digg,google & more!

I have a social bookmarking plugin that is on every thread that allows users to instantly post it to tons of social networks, email it, etc.

DMOZ does not accept warez sites as far as I know.
Id also recommend using Google Analytics to track traffic, To also view if you get direct traffic or referral traffic.

AdminHQ for example:


Direct Traffic is basically people viewing the site straight forward, Refering would be as if some one clicked your link on another site, & well Search Engine is by some one visiting by clicking a search engine link
If you can spend somewhere around $300-500, contact me. One of my friend is a SEO expert. He'll take few months time according to which keyword you want to rank high in search engines.

He has his site in first page for keywords like bollywood movie, hollywood movie , etc.
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pankaj, first of all that price is bs. Second, for a warez site you don't want 1 high ranked keyword. You want every download page (in this case, a thread) listed high, so you have 100,000's of high ranked keywords instead of just one.

@ Uterus Spacecraft

You really don't need to do the following:

Use digg, submit your site to search engines, dmoz whatever (useless shit, your site gets found anyway). Tbh, link exchanges aren't that important as well as usually the only sites wanting to LE have bad google indexing themselves which means it's no use adding them.

Good job on the keywords though, that looks good.. just instead of all the random words from the topic, add ,rapidshare, torrent as well, that helps a lot ;)
And after that just wait for a year or so, google doesn't usually come around after a few months (lazy bitches :D)
The coon - You're right. But a warez forum can have a keyword like "warez forum" ranked at top 10 results.

There are tons of people searching this keyword daily and having good SERP for this keyword will be a boost in traffic.

About the price, its too high for a warez forum. Only big serious sites can afford it.
Ranking at first page for which already 100's of people have good ranking is not a easy task and that too for competitive keywords.
Yeah you got a point there. Being ranked #1 for warez forum.. sex.

However, the amount searching for download stuff is a lot more.
(stuff like)
[title] Torrent
[title] Rapidshare

Millions and millions of potential visitors daily.
currently that's where all of my traffic comes from, random searches. I've started adding additional keywords to my posts but I guess at this point it's mostly a waiting game, just getting tons of pages indexed and hoping my SERP improves over time?
^ If you want to target certain keywords you need to do a lot of "off-site" SEO.

Buy/exchange links with the anchor text and anchor title filled with the keywords you want to rank for. Get as many backlinks as you can (preferably from content-related sites or high-ranked sites for the keywords you're targetting or higher-PR sites).

Has proven to work with me on hotfile-zone ;) it just takes time and patience.
^ If you want to target certain keywords you need to do a lot of "off-site" SEO.

Buy/exchange links with the anchor text and anchor title filled with the keywords you want to rank for. Get as many backlinks as you can (preferably from content-related sites or high-ranked sites for the keywords you're targetting or higher-PR sites).

Has proven to work with me on hotfile-zone ;) it just takes time and patience.

Nice buddy. I can see you are really listed on front page for keyword hotfile.
Well first of all, do not use META tags in any headerinclude or sections or posts, as google mentioned they never care about META tags but only META description.

Next, you'd seriously need to buy a lot of links offsite to build backlinks and I dont know about this, but seriously it works with Alexa Ranking, when I bought at least 3-5 links per month, I get alexa boosted up so crazily, and Ive tested not buying, my alexa rank drop. Make sure the links you buy is related to your website.

And imo, not sure about others, link exchange does no sh*t to any PR or Alexa Rank, for ME the only thing it does is spoils PR juice. Try to have lesser outgoing links on your site and keep the site mainly with links to the site itself.

There's a lot more things you can do to improve SEO, and getting more search engine traffics. Don't believe me? I used to have a Symbian Forum which was

I've had 150k members, PR4, Alexa Rank = 30K or lower. And google traffics were at least 45%, the site is only 1 year old =.=. However, my domain got hijacked. I lost all indexed pages, and stuffs. I've restarted the site for about a few months now and started building links, etc SEO-wise. I restarted the site on the .NET domain on Feb 2010, now its June, I suppose SEO-wise, I've done pretty good with PR4, Alexa Rank 100K+ and dropping everyday.
You can buy links at big webmaster forums, they can cost anywhere from $5-20 usually. You can pay people in high pagerank forums to have your website link in their signature.

If someone on PR4 has 1000 posts, you may pay $10.

Added after 4 minutes:

Just got an email from a website advertising their product. I check it has good alexa and PR4. I've never tried their service though.
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WHere do you find these links to buy and how much do they cost per link?

In my opinion, the contents of the site should be similar to your site's content. You can't easily find a place where they sell all adspace which is related to your site.

Cost per link? Depends..

If you can't find any one selling.

Google the keyword that's related to your site, find one with your desired traffic and page rank(that'd be how the prices may vary according to its rank), and contact the owner/admin and ask if they'd be selling any adspots.

And also, try to buy links which have a lot of pages indexed by google. :)
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