Looking for Hosting For Mybb Forum And A Small File Host

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I am looking for hosting a Mybb forum and a small file host the file host scrip is Kleeja . The file host is mostly hosting images there is also gifs and some videos the scrip does not reencode the videos. The forum is a on sub domain of the forum and both have adult content. I need 400gb or more space max and like 4tb to 6tb bandwidth the server needs to be located in NL. I would like to get a VPS but I do not know the first thing about running a VPS. I can do a max of $15 a month if hook me up with hosting hit up on Skype DJboutit
What payment plans are available? For example, if you sign up for a two-year subscription term, do you need to pay that full amount upfront or is it divided into increments?
You can search the reviews who is popular web hosting provider that offers affordable plans with unlimited bandwidth and storage, making it a good option for file hosting. also check offer one-click installation of MyBB, making it easy to set up your forum.
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