LiveW Released! (Complete OS for warez users)

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Active Member


LiveW is a Linux OS based on openSUSE (11.1 atm) which is targeted at warez users. It includes a range of programs and tools for downloading, running and viewing warez. It also has many things pre-installed and configured which you normally don't find in Linux distros such as Ubuntu, openSUSE, etc including Flash, PlayOnLinux, Wine, lots of codecs, Microsoft core fonts, working and pre-configured sub-pixel font rendering for LCD monitors etc. You don't have to remove Windows or install it in order to use, you can just boot from the CD (Live CD). Though if you like you can still easily install it to your harddrive after you booted the CD, and I would recommend doing so. Another thing worth noting is: no viruses, trojans, keyloggers, BSOD's whatsoever! However, you can still get Rick Roll'd.

Download Mirrors (Current version: 0.0.3 ALPHA):

More mirrors are welcome! If you uploaded the ISO to your server/VPS or a file host please share the link(s) in this topic, thanks :).

Changes since the last version:

  • Changed Firefox default theme to one that looks more like the Windows version.
  • Fixed issue in Firefox where it would not select the correct program for opening files.
  • Added some Firefox 'Scene Bookmarks' (More will be added later)
  • Pre-installed Firefox add-ons: AdBlock Plus, GreaseMonkey, KDST, Im4ge, IC Tools.
  • Added Ndiswrapper package.
  • Some other small config tweaks here and there.
This the last ALPHA release.

Known Issues:

  • In some cases the splash screen doesn't show while booting.
  • Sometimes the system reverts to the default openSUSE theme. If this should happen you can easliy change it again by going to Computer > Control Center > Appearance and changing the theme to LiveW 0.1.
  • Some of the openSUSE art, branding and icons hasn't been replace yet.
  • This is an ALPHA release, other issues and bugs should be expected.
Things not present yet that will be in the Final version:

  • Additional Firefox Add-ons, Bookmarks and Plugins.
  • Homebrew scene apps and some custom programs by me (for warez users).
  • A Peer-2-Peer client.
  • Simple CompizConfig Settings Manager.
  • Some other stuff which I can't think of now.

Minimum system requirements:
- Single core AMD Athlon64 or 64 bit Pentium 4 processor
- 256MB RAM, 512MB is highly recommended
- 3GB HDD (for installation)

I would personally also recommend a recent ATI or nVidia card.

Who the hell cares?

Some quick screenshots:






Notice: Default user/root password is linux
Notice: Use at your own risk! This is ALPHA software.
Notice: Remember that you need to install your graphics card drivers for better performance

This is not MY project, this is everbody's project! B-)
Share it, spread the word and contribute where possible!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did developing it. Peace.

Fingerprint (to help verify a successful/not corrupted download):
MD5: 9a963a3cc83e01c47b4d936002b96a87
SHA1: 6346d33dce4c319eaee8371a13358219f715af85
Yeah did waiting.
When i have time to look around there then i might be able to help out with that one lol
^Patience :|

Btw, I'm also open for any suggestions regarding programs that should be included. Regarding other coders (Jay, Split, etc) if you want one of your programs to be included please let me know in time.
This is a really good idea. (y)

I like the idea of implementing auto-bookmarked sites from boot up. I think maybe 5 sites pre-bookmarked

  • WarezScene
  • Warez-BB
  • Katz
  • Warez-Centre
  • Code-Projects ;)
Also, the usual apps should be implemented:

  • Torrent client
  • Firefox
  • nfo creator/viewer
  • image uploader (Jay's maybe?)
Also, maybe auto install certain add-ons into Firefox, such as ImgCentre's plugin, Katz etc

Anyway, that's my ideas up lol

Good luck mate :)
just made this:

like it?

can make it big, upto 5000x3000px ;)

Yeh I do like it but it can't have text on it directly because it needs to be used as a bootscreen to and the logo will be an overlay. Any chance you could pass me a .psd for that background @ 1920x1200 px?

This is a really good idea. (y)

I like the idea of implementing auto-bookmarked sites from boot up. I think maybe 5 sites pre-bookmarked

  • WarezScene
  • Warez-BB
  • Katz
  • Warez-Centre
  • Code-Projects ;)
Also, the usual apps should be implemented:

  • Torrent client
  • Firefox
  • nfo creator/viewer
  • image uploader (Jay's maybe?)
Also, maybe auto install certain add-ons into Firefox, such as ImgCentre's plugin, Katz etc

Anyway, that's my ideas up lol

Good luck mate :)

Good suggestions. Unfortunately Jay's image uploader doesn't run on Linux, maybe he will make it Mono compatible but I'm not sure about that.
I have been thinking and a few more ideas I have come up with:

  • Pirate based wallpaper
  • FTP software
  • Virtual PC
  • Proxy software/bookmark
Pirate based wallpaper
Some kind of pirate wallpaper, which coincides with the Scene.

FTP software
Filezilla or something, pre-installed, from boot up. So no need to install. Basic feature really, and been mentioned previously.

Virtual PC
Some kind of virtual machine for users to run their stuff in. I know a lot of people use them for checking stuff and testing stuff.

Proxy software/bookmark
Just like FTP software, pre-installed, or you could auto-bookmark it in Firefox.

Don't know if these are any good for you, but I keep thinking anyway lol

Linux comes with proxy support. But a virtual machine program is something that I wouldn't put in there as default, it takes up space and it's not directly warez related.

Nice post and good thinking, I remember making a modified Ubuntu OS with some friends. Okay so my input is:
Set it so, eth0 (First Ethernet device) automatically starts, but connects to a VPN this would make the traces people leave around the internet, more secure.

An FTP client is not needed, nor is a SSH client because you can simply click "connect to remote server" and enter the protocol. With SSH you can open up a terminal and type "ssh".

With a P2P client, I can't really offer much input as I've never used one on linux - but I do suggest wget is also installed on startup.

Of course, Firefox - maybe you should create a custom theme? Anyway, with Firefox I suggest you add popular/needed add ons and also bookmark some sources, not secondary warez forums - but the original source.

If you can make it user friendly with msn, aim client, ftp, unraring program type of stuff I'd use it.

Linux confuses me 100% because it hard to install stuff.
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