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OK, I just want to take some time and see if you could buy a server and not get cpanel/WHM. If you got shared hosting and they gave you plesk or anything other than cpanel, would you but it? Same thing for a VPS or Dedicated server..

I know I cant go without cpanel/WHM especially if i had a dedicated server. It is just a must for me.

What are your limits to not having cpanel with your hosting? Maybe its the price, look/feel, etc.
I agree that cPanel indeed is the best, but I like DirectAdmin as well, it has less functions, but it's fast easy and cheap.
But, still 9 of my 10 servers has cPanel on it and the other one is with SolusVM
i wudnt have a cpanel if the ram is be honest since being with servedome they have introduced me to not having cpanel ...they installed or the same things but just not the cpanel

if i had a choice i probablly wud still have it any time but its not end of the world going without
Only thing I use in cPanel is when I need to create mySQL database nothing else, like FileManager, Fantastico, and shits like that. Not really that you make any difference with cPanel when you own a dedicated server. It's not secured more(if you don't secure it), or anything. You can just 'easily' create accounts for websites you want to host on it. Even though It's more easier when you creating a new virtualhost template via root.
I use cpanel most of the time but I can also manage sites through ssh and stfp so cpanel really isnt a must. When hosting multiple sites I do prefer cpanel for its ease of use.
In a shared environment cPanel is a must. However, I prefer servers without any control panel and I'm not running any control panel on my private servers.
I could live without cPanel since like Jason said, I pretty much only use it in the beginning to create any MySQL DBs or FTP accs etc etc.
I can manage without any control panel
Like some have said its a must for a shared environment but some people are lazy and just use it for vps dedi ect
Kloxo sux but I got a hang of it. IDK what the fuss is all about ITS FREE. It does work man.

I'm down as long as hosting is cheaper then usual and good support and reliability.
I hate panels its just a waste of server usage...
I like doing everything manually because when cpanel goes down or their is a issue with your panel all your sites go down..

Plus its easy to manage it without one
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