Selling LinkBlitz- Dripfeeding Linkjuice Back To Your Site

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Active Member
Can’t seem to rank well despite building backlinks with various softwares such as Xrumer, Sick Submitter and VenomSEO? Numerous advertised services not showing effect in spite of the various promises they make that will work well with the recent google update? With SEO Eureka’s latest addition of LinkBlitz, we serve to provide you with only approved link building techniques along with detailed reports.

What is LinkBlitz?

LinkBlitz is a service which combines various up to date linkbuilding methods. We utilize social networking, web 2.0 properties, social bookmarking, press release sites, article directories and forum profiles.

What is required from me? [All packages are completed within a day unless specify for additional days for an extra charge]
You just have to provide us with 3 important things
1)Your url
2)3 keywords [Specifiy which is the main keyword]
3) Article [This is optional. If it is not provided, content would be generated and spun]

Please open a support ticket at LinkBlitz department to submit the details after making your payment.

What will you get?

1) Report containing all the various tier structure links
2) Username and password of the accounts used.

LinkBlitz is affordable and effective, it does not charge at an exorbitant rate like what other services are doing. Our service's main goal is to provide as much link juice as possible back to your main site and thus helping you to achieve better SERPS results.

So to sum up what will be covered in LinkBlitz
-Social Bookmarking
-Social Networking
-Rss Aggregators
-Article Directories
-Press Release
-Forum Profiles

There is 3 stages for an order. They are a) Order is added to queue b) Order is currently being processed c) Order has been completed

1) If your order does not falls under currently been processed within 5 business days, we will offer you a full refund upon request
2) However if your order is currently being processed, there will not be any refunds for it as backlinks are being dripfeed throughout the period of time.

It's important to take note that it is not possible for us to assure you an immediate result after using our service. This is due to the nature of difficulty of each respective niche. An relatively low competitive niche might see immediate results and it is vice versa for a competitively niche.

Below are 4 packages which are being offered.





Order here

** Only auto approved article directories and press release urls are supplied in the report. For manually approved submission for article directories and press releases, the purchaser has to check the email account log supplied in the log.

All packages are at promotional prices now. Locked in to the current prices for a monthly recurring subscription by contacting the support department. This includes bulk order too.

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