- cPanel Hosting @ €0.00/m, Offshore, 2Gbit Port (NL)

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Yep server has been down like 3 to 5 min now I am on a premium server and it is down to

Added after 30 minutes:

Still down 30 min now. if someone can truly get a hold of the admin let him know that all servers are down if you send him a email pm or support ticket he will not see it for a few hrs

Added after 28 minutes:

Forum is back up it is just loading like 10 to 20 times slower than normal

Added after 1 25 minutes:

2hrs and still down and no word yet what is up this does not look good

Added after 8 Hours 56 minutes:

Finally my forum is back up loading about 4 times slower that it should be
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My website was up for like 5 min, but it's still down. I guess soundlover comes twice a day on the net and manages hosting. -.-
My website was up for like 5 min, but it's still down. I guess soundlover comes twice a day on the net and manages hosting. -.-

He has been doing this for like 30 min day for the last 3 weeks he use to be on skpye every day for 4 or 5 hrs I do not know why he stopped this is not good

Added after 3 Hours 12 minutes:

Admin has not even been on this forum for 24hrs wow not good
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My forum is down once again this is what happens when the admin is not putting in a good amount of there day into their web host. Please stop ignoring the msgs I have sent you

Added after 3 Hours 45 minutes:

My forum is still down :facepalm:
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Sorry for the downtime. 2 serves were having some problems. Now it should be good but they are still being monitored.
All tickets have been answered.
My forum is still down admining for only 45min a day is unacceptable I am just about to leave I can not deal with this
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2 servers were being abused by a client, the same client. We are working on them.

If you cannot bear with us then you can leave. You were always provided with a free service.

Please open a support ticket and it will be dealt with.
I sent you a support like 18hrs ago and no response yet


You should be around a more that is all I am asking not asking for you to be around all the time
This is your ticket:
Please hit me up on Skype ASAP. I have upload all the files to vidiscript to my cpanel your going to have to make changes to the server and finish the install

Four reasons why it was not answered:
1= You are on free plan
2= We don't install scripts for clients on free plans.
3= Paying clients come first.
4= Not urgent

I told you I will install it for you as a courtesy. If you can wait, we will help you with it tomorrow.
We apologize for the servers that were down. All affected paying clients received or will receive up to 7 days to their due date. I think that should compensate for the downtime.

Yes, Free Plan 1 and Free Plan 2 are free forever, as long as you follow our TOS.
Free Plan 3 is only free for the first month.
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