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Jamie Holle

Active Member
Here is my status to explain my problems.

People from the United Kingdom can only help me since how the government works over here is different from any other country.

It may sound stupid but the only way I can see how this pans out is ending my life. I have no job I'm on benefits and can't afford to live.

How old are you? this could be a good thing for you, time to step up your game and count on your self rather than your mom.
I'm 19, but the thing is I can't afford to get a flat or a house because all my benefits go on my debt payments and I have £0 to give to my mother or to buy myself food.
Can't believe a mother would kick her son out like that, specially regarding money. You got no friends, no family to go to while you sort out your 2.5k dept?
It's not my mothers fault, she works 3 jobs and can barely afford to keep herself under a roof. I blame the government. She works 3 jobs 1 full time and 2 part time and she lives in a council house and she can't afford it what sense that even make.

I can't argue with her because she's done so well as a mother and I respect her so much. Someone asked the same question as yours regarding friends and this was my reply to which 13 people inboxed me to say how much they respected my comment.

" I have a few but intruding on other family's isn't a nice thing to do. I'd prefer to go on the streets to do that any time. x"
I don't know about you, But no parent i know would kick there own son/daughter out just because they are in debt at least not here in the USA, Hell im 22 and im still asking my father for cash when i don't feel like spending my own. And he does it just because im his son and its what parents are supposed to do.

I don't get why she would kick you out if your too costly then join the military. To be honest a lot of it does not make sense,

Do you have any proof that your in debt of the 2.5K ?

Another thing, If friends are offering to put a roof over your head then do it, Thats what "Friends" are for. Close friends are like family to me at least.
Like I said I respect my mother and I'm not going to waste her money and risk her not being able to afford to put a roof over her own head. Living with friends I can't do it's not who I am I get nervous and it's intruding.

all my family know I'm in debt they've seen debt collector letters and everything else on top of that.
And none of them offered to help? that's weird. She can't really "throw" you out, I'd stay even if she doesn't like it and work on repaying her and actually help her by getting a job and pay some bills.
I am not reading this as 'my mother is kicking me out'.
It's his decision to leave.

Time to get serious man, and start thinking fast about getting any job you can get your hands on, and get money as fast as you can, even if that means working in sewer. No honest job is humiliating.

Also time to drop 'I can't do this, I can't do that' leave that since you are growing up. A part of growing up is to remove all psychological barriers that can prevent you in accomplishing higher goals. If you're being offered roof, then accept it, some people might find it insulting to be rejected, and it's not like you have too much choice to pick from.

Or, stay in house, find job, and help her. That would be way better than leaving her.
A friend of mine was in this position.

Your best bet is to look for a room to rent somewhere (shared house) then claim housing benefit, They will pay your rent:
Are you on job seekers at the moment or anything ? you can claim a crisis loan to help with the move and help you get your shit together.

But seriously try applying as like a kitchen or linen porter around the hotels in your area its easy work and alright pay.
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Hey Jamie, well first of I wanted to say that I see that besides posting this on here, you also posted it on Facebook, which means everyone knows by now of your issue that you got going on.

Meanwhile I surely acknowledge the help that other members are trying to give you, I would suggest that you don't expect any thoughts, Ideas or suggestions from someone online.
What I mean is, at the end of the day it is your life and no one can make a better choice and decisions for yourself better than you, people aren't in your shoes right now..

This is why I would suggest that you Log off this Website and Facebook and try to solve things out on your own, you seem like a responsible teenager, reason with your mother, agree on a temporary solution with her.

Besides that, I feel like I am not in a position to say anything else Jamie, I wish you the best of luck.
Why move out ? why not just try to find a job at a kitchen or linen porter around the hotels in your area and help your mother with bills
Are you applying for jobs? You have to really start busting your balls with that. Apply for anything you can.

Can you give us more information on this debt? You could try explaining your situation to the creditor. They may be willing to restructure the debt to make it easier for you to pay off.
I'm out every single day from 7am until 6pm walking around for countless hours with cv's just going into shops trying to find a job.

I have £1500 loan in my grandfathers bank account which I have to pay £80 a month on.
I have £1000 overdraft in my name which I pay £30 interest on every month
I have two phone bills one for £45/month and another £13 and that bill is on £206 already.
I have a gym membership of £269 in the debt collectors hands.

I'm on £180 a month benefit
tbh i would not worry about a gym membership, nor a over draft or a loan in your gfathers bank account

I owe a few banks money and a few loan companies from when i was 18, All is well ive been paying off each one each year when i get income tax.

Then agian im not sure how laws work over there but here only the IRS can take wages out of your check if you owe the goverment.

a bank, a gym, a telephone company arnt parts of the goverment.

Take care of your loans when you can, No one likes debt but if you cant pay it you have to deal with it and take care of your self first.

Is there such thing as bank ruptcy in the UK ?
You contacted me the other day about distributing some goods for you, but you never got back to me. I told you I would sell whatever you have and give you a 50% stake. What happened?

In regards to your situation. The best way to get a job quick is grandfathering your way in. Stop wasting your time walking around. Put that expensive cellphone service you have to good use. Call up every single one of your friends and family members. Ask them if they know anyone who is hiring. I guarantee someone will come through with a job for you.

Also all this debt your in might feel like a lot but its very minimal. You can be debt free in only a few months if you budget yourself properly once you get your job.

Good luck and don't forget to follow through with me on what we were discussing if you would like to make additional income.

Also whatever you do don't get down on yourself. This is only temporary. You are very young and have your entire life ahead of you. Look at this as a positive. It's time for you to become a man and rise up to the occasion. You deserve to live a better life than what you have right now. It's time you go and do it.
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He doesn't have the time to wait for profits to come. Plus that's not a long term solution. Something like that should only be approached after he has his own job and the spare time to do so.

Not the best advice at this time.
First of all, why are you seeking help from someone online? I'd have never bothered to come online with so many issues running over my head.

Anyways, you've come here for help, its our duty to help you as you badly need it.

I think you should utilize your skills/talents (if you already haven't) and capitalize on it. (Never too late imo). If you don't have the mindset to work on such stuffs, better work for a company. Its not that tough finding a job, is it?

I suppose you're good at Server and Cpanel stuff, lots of big companies always look at hiring support personnels, i suggest you to apply for those companies and get yourself a decent job. (The last time i saw an offer on WHT, was $1,800 per month).
If you are not interested to do such a job, you can always look for an offline job. Be it, at McDonalds, KFC or anything., A job is a job.

Just remember one thing, take life as it comes. Work with the rhythm, you'll be successful one day :)

All the best
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