Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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If you get 250 files deleted for DMCA per month (last 30 days), your filemanager wil be disabled, for 7 days or until you have less than 250 per month. But it looks like they reduce the amount to 100 per month.
The new principle of blocking filemanager for abuse.

If the webmaster is gaining more than 30 abuse 30 days which cost less than $ 0.5. How is the cost: Suppose webmaster earned $ 300 for 30 days and received 300 abuse, respectively, the "cost" of one abuzy will be $ 1, that is, he does not get banned.
When we started there weren't such rules. Publishing these rules is not right

You're not on the correct path , you are losing your uploaders away
The new principle of blocking filemanager for abuse.

If the webmaster is gaining more than 30 abuse 30 days which cost less than $ 0.5. How is the cost: Suppose webmaster earned $ 300 for 30 days and received 300 abuse, respectively, the "cost" of one abuzy will be $ 1, that is, he does not get banned.

blocking filemanager or banned account?????
Hi there,
Some sales are not counted in my account.
A friend of mine bought a premium account via my link, but it's not counted in my account.

Please check :::: [28612031 | turba]

Thanks in advance.
Hi,guys.I am new here!





29036112 | turba
plz sir
I think there is aproblem in my account
I know that i have alot of downloads but states is too low in download
plz check my account <3
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