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Can i ask question about double account? i want to learn if i have two percent account these accounts will be banned or something else i want to create two merged percent account. i want to register two percent account for use one of them film other one games. if it possible please reply me as soon as possible.I need imadately answer for this situation. Thanks for attention.
i will open another account in turbo
i have an account in percent
its ok or there is ant problems ?
You can open an account in tariff turba only if you did not have a tariff turba previously

Can i ask question about double account? i want to learn if i have two percent account these accounts will be banned or something else i want to create two merged percent account. i want to register two percent account for use one of them film other one games. if it possible please reply me as soon as possible.I need imadately answer for this situation. Thanks for attention.
you can have two accounts at the tariff of percent
My eff. has decreased and account moved to work for 100% from sales.
Is there any way to increase eff. and get 50% from sales and 50% from downloads again.
Please help, I am getting more than 1300 dls every day.
Account ID [25483372 | turba]
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