LeechJungle.com - RapidLeech (Instant Setup), 1Gbps, 15GB HDD from $4.99 (NL)

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Really sorry for this error.It`s been added, please check.

between the rules abuses and the complaints of poor service this provider is heading toward thread closure.

Members use at your own risk.

Provider fix your problems and remain without complaints for a week or 2 or I will remove your thread and selling privileges.

Currently there are no issue in our service.
If you have any complain report, Please PM me with it.
I can try to solve it.

Sales Executive
rapidshare fixed
no , it's not i tried to upload just now nothing yr service keep getting problems
& yes there was a down in tickets i uploaded photos proof so dont try to say the opposite
rapidshare fixed
no , it's not i tried to upload just now nothing yr service keep getting problems
& yes there was a down in tickets i uploaded photos proof so dont try to say the opposite

Its your DNS issue, not our server down.You already got support from our live support (GTalk) about your issue.
Your last ticket replied in just 3 minutes after creation, so why you seek support from here all the time ?

Sales Executive
no it's not & also i didnt get Gtalk support dont lie ! upload plugin is down & one of yr members told me in support tickets that the download issue is solved but the upload will be solved in within 24hrs , i like to share yr problems here so ppl can see what kind of problems they will have if they join u it's simple
also u have a lot of problems in upload plugins like freakshare turbobit ...
& any1 is working for yr service now can confirm everyword i said =D
peace yoo
also just tried rs leech is down too :

when u gonna fix rs problem it's started 2 pissing me off
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Let me make this clear for everyone reading this thread:


You are entitled to complain, however if this is a long term ongoing problem you need to provide proof of tickets, issues, etc.


If you threaten to ban another user before their paid term is Up you will not be providing your service here at all.

Customers that have paid for service should receive that service and should be able to complain without being threatened.

Stop making post reports to get us to remove negative comments, fix your service or improve it so people have no reason to complain.
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