Shared - Offshore cPanel Web Hosting from 5$/Month (Netherlands)

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I want to addon domain but error arrise
Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.

Help me
facing problem . when i open my Cpanel i am getting this error.

This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (Cannot read license file)
Yup ... I submitted a ticket earlier today ... about 3pm... I got a response from Allan (who is now banned from wJunction I believe) and he said that it would be fixed in 1 hour. Well, 5 hours later, it's still not licensed.

Typical rubbish from Allan, can't believe ANYTHING that he says.
I can't even be bothered to send another support ticket because A: I'll get a rubbish excuse or B: I wont get a response at all or C: He'll fix it, and then say "What are you talking about?? It's been working for ages".
So you just have no option but to just be patience and hope that the waste of space that we like to call Allan doesn't "forget".

He takes backups that he claims are the same day, but they are 4 - 5 days old, offers very poor support. I honestly think he is totally incapable of telling the truth.

The hosting on the other hand, is actually very good (much better than previous hosting that I've had)... its just a shame about Allan, and the small problems that we get now and again.
In my CPanel I see that I have now 500GB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer while it always was just 50GB, so is this just a bug or it is real?
I submitted a ticket earlier... Just got a response saying:


Your website "" is loading fine. Please clear the browser cache and try to access now.

If You have any queries please let us know.

Warm Regards

KnowinServers Help Desk.

So it makes me look like an idiot, when I clearly know I'm not being one.
I was unable to access my website in three different locations, home / work / and USA RDP.
It's like they try to totally deny any sort of downtime lol, and blame the problems onto the other person.

Glad to see that others had the same problem earlier.
Also glad that the problem seems to has resolved itself.
Been a long time since I've seen any downtime, so thanks KnowinServers. I know your trying your best.
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Yes this is what they do :D lol
You submit a ticket asking what is happening, they do no reply until it is fixed, and then write you, that your website is working fine. Result - What is the point of tickets? :D

BTW, I am happy that my website is back online again. ;)
Just like to inform you that you seem to be having hosting issues.

I was unable to search for new plugins, cron jobs stopped working, Akismet stopped working... And probably a few more things that I didn't hang around to discover.

LONG Support tickets were sent by myself... And one line responses from yourselves were received (probably from Allan, he seems to have that type of attitude)... The problems weren't fixed, so I've now moved host.

I hope you sort out your problems, because you'll only end up losing more customers.
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