- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!


Are your FB files available at all? Perhaps its in the root directory or in a folder without a project? In this case, the files will not be available for download by the user and this will negatively affect sales.

yes no problem with files, i get daily sales but yesterday was the first zero this year so it felt strange to see it so there might be some problems.. that day
anyway today sales back to "normal"
@Jeff_K2S may I ask - does the file cleaner work at all when used by me as a user?

I ask because I have several times tried to clean up my files that are not being downloaded - but everytime I just get a pop up that my job has been queued and will be processed shortly - but files are never deleted.
@Jeff_K2S may I ask - does the file cleaner work at all when used by me as a user?

I ask because I have several times tried to clean up my files that are not being downloaded - but everytime I just get a pop up that my job has been queued and will be processed shortly - but files are never deleted.
Hi, can you send me your username in DM please?