- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!


wtf is this XD
For those who want to easy upload files using Cli Partner:
1. Unpack downloaded file to folder. For example D:\k2s uploader
2. Go to that folder and create another subfolder for example Upload.
3. Create a bat file like upload.bat and edit it via notepad
4. Write: cd /d "D:\k2s uploader". This is the path where file partnercli-win.exe is located
5. Do not save bat file right now
6. Go to Tools -> Console uploader in MoneyPlatform website
7. Set your parameters:

8. On the same site copy line:

9. Go back to bat file, enter new line and write start, then paste copied link without "\" at the beginning. Whole bat file should look like this:
cd /d "D:\k2s uploader\"
start partnercli-win.exe upload -a 00000000000000000000000000000 -d 0000000000 -n k2s -s .\Upload

10. Save your bat file
11. To start upload simply copy all files you need to Upload folder and run your bat file.

I have uploaded 16 GB in 4 hours, so it seems it is much faster.
Bat file can be copied elsewhere, so you can set in on desktop with shortcut to Upload folder, which will make this process as simple as possible.

Hey mistrzu

Do you know how to do this on linux? Is it even possible?
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