- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

Do you guys experience a low sale rate for the last 2 days? Is there any problems on payment gateway or something? Some weird decreasing happened on my account suddenly.

sometime you got sales & happy. But on the other hand many of us posting more getting download even more then last day but still no or low sale.

its totally depend on your luck. But to have your good luck more better working more is the key
It's all ok with[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular] payment gateway this is unbelievable 5 days without single sale ??? What's happening ???
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The captcha confirmation tool doesn't work at all. You have to go through dozens of images before you can access the download. How can you attract new customers when the first impression is so bad? Come back to the word confirmation.

Added after 1 Day 6 Hours:

One sale in 18 days, 4 in a month. For 10.000+ downloads.

Are you kidding me?
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