- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

error in moneyplat
[h=1]CDbException[/h] CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[08S01]: Communication link failure: 1047 WSREP has not yet prepared node for application use

fix it pls
Hello Everyone, we are glad to present some of our new updates which will take public action in a few weeks ;-)

What we have:

1. New Design
2. Many New Fitchers for customers (Virus Scan, anonymous downloads, Video and Photo preview, Online player, Bigger daily traffic)
3. New Premium plan - Premium PRO
4. Download page example: (Beta version, extra photo preview will be added soon)

When you can expect to share with new design? => At the moment we are running beta tests, which will run 1-2 weeks.
What you can do now? =>
1. You can help us in testing (Login to your account) if you will notice any errors, write us
2. To test the link with new design, you need to take any file which is not restricted to one file cost and change the domain to
No need to share the link anywhere, so far they are only for your test! If you will find any error, please contact us
3. Prepare, do not use archives (at the moment our script can't read and play videos in the archive)
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Hello Everyone, we are glad to present some of our new updates which will take public action in a few weeks ;-)

What we have:

1. New Design
2. Many New Fitchers for customers (Virus Scan, anonymous downloads, Video and Photo preview, Online player, Bigger daily traffic)
3. New Premium plan - Premium PRO
4. Download page example: (Beta version, extra photo preview will be added soon)

When you can expect to share with new design? => At the moment we are running beta tests, which will run 1-2 weeks.
What you can do now? =>
1. You can help us in testing (Login to your account) if you will notice any errors, write us
2. To test the link with new design, you need to take any file which is not restricted to one file cost and change the domain to
No need to share the link anywhere, so far they are only for your test! If you will find any error, please contact us
3. Prepare, do not use archives (at the moment our script can't read and play videos in the archive)

loved it new upcomming design specially video online streaming.. maybe after this new design apply sales increases & thanks for removing Lifetime premium :)