- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

yes they did.and this promo was the biggest mistake because now forums are flooded with ks links and nobody gets good sales anymore.Spammers done a good job.It will take weeks till this wave is over and then maybe sales will return to good uploaders. i will quote one of my friends here "Everybody use KS but nobody is happy"

Don't blame Jeff or the promo that it's hard to make sales because you're using an outdated method from 2011. It's not Jeff's fault that you're posting in an oversaturated market. Not sure if you post porn on forums or what but 99% of the content found on forums has already been posted before by someone else or can be found for free through torrents. It's 2015 now. Figure out your own method to make money, or post fresh & original content that is in demand. Get with the times, or get left behind.

rise the min payout to get rid of small uploaders or spammers? - you cant be serious,they need everybody who earns them money...
remove/close aff program for new partners? - you nailded it!

like if KS actually ever listened to any thoughts made here.i remember maybe one time when they increased size of file for free dl which was a good step for their business

Why would they close their affiliate program for new affiliates? Some new affiliates actually know what they're doing, and know how to generate sales.

is ks dying or what ?

it`s Saturday and no single sale yet.. it`s obvious that there`s a sale problem

And They should let us know about this problem before we make a decision....

Now I`ve stopped my poster and I wont post until they inform us...

No problems here.

wow I got 2 life time sales today. Luckiest day since I started working with k2s.

Good job bro. It seems you consistently get sales. Apparently, you know what you're doing.
Don't blame Jeff or the promo that it's hard to make sales because you're using an outdated method from 2011. It's not Jeff's fault that you're posting in an oversaturated market. Not sure if you post porn on forums or what but 99% of the content found on forums has already been posted before by someone else or can be found for free through torrents. It's 2015 now. Figure out your own method to make money, or post fresh & original content that is in demand. Get with the times, or get left behind.

you are posting your own clips?:-=
@scorpio - let it be mate,we expired like yesterdays bus ticket...the market belongs to youngsters which have learned how to spam or post premium only links :P

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It's harder to get sales from forums now. Much more competition.

the market belongs to youngsters which have learned how to spam or post premium only links

I frequently report people who post premium-only links or spam duplicate content. They always get their thread trashed or banned.
If by spam, you mean posting every 5~20 minutes, I don't see anything wrong with that.
And if you have your own site, posting premium-only links is really good for sales, in my experience.

Good job bro. It seems you consistently get sales. Apparently, you know what you're doing.

I am just lucky :) And scorpio gave me some good advice when I started with K2S.
@ 5cfa16ec10d2c

You`d better stop advising and blaming experienced people! You need to learn a lot!

Whatever you say. You're the one that went a complete Saturday without a single sale, not me.
@scorpio - let it be mate,we expired like yesterdays bus ticket...the market belongs to youngsters which have learned how to spam or post premium only links :P

Anyone with half a brain that looks at my stats will realize that 29 unique downloads does not equal spammer. When I posted on forums using datafile, I got daily sales there too.

But whatever. Keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be working out real well for the both of you.
Anyone know when will be up?
I have a ton of failed statuses for intporn in my themaposter and it's causing memory leak issues which caused it to bug out and stop posting for like 3 hours today until I noticed it and restarted the program -_-
Weird because my computer is top of the line.
Whatever you say. You're the one that went a complete Saturday without a single sale, not me.
@scorpio - let it be mate,we expired like yesterdays bus ticket...the market belongs to youngsters which have learned how to spam or post premium only links :P

Anyone with half a brain that looks at my stats will realize that 29 unique downloads does not equal spammer. When I posted on forums using datafile, I got daily sales there too.

But whatever. Keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be working out real well for the both of you.

Please post your earning one week !
I have a ton of failed statuses for intporn in my themaposter and it's causing memory leak issues which caused it to bug out and stop posting for like 3 hours today until I noticed it and restarted the program

another plump advertisement for your spam flooder

YOU & we all knows: + org is earning good money via his placeholder site at the moment

& comes back soon!
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I have a ton of failed statuses for intporn in my themaposter and it's causing memory leak issues which caused it to bug out and stop posting for like 3 hours today until I noticed it and restarted the program

another plump advertisement for your spam flooder

YOU & we all knows: + org is earning good money via his placeholder site at the moment

& comes back soon!

rofl. I am not advertising themaposter. you are an idiot. I find it funny that you call it "spam flooder" though.
You can waste your time posting manually. I won't because I am not stupid and my time is valuable.
i think jeff is in easter vacation when he comes all the things will be settled
70% promo ruled by mostly spammes
daily i am getting double premium downloads compare to free downloads daily
sales are damm fucked off
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Hey facethewind . Where did u bought your thema poster? Cause i did consuming time to post my link in different forum. .

right here on wjunction you can find thread for it. look in market place section or search for it. I am not gonna post link because friend@ will accuse me of advertising. lol

you too

if you post with themaposter, wonderposter, mymothersfuckingposter ... unsexy crap & re-re-post on all forums

you get also 0 Sales + must pay 30 Dollars to "themaposter"

Why do you always make assumptions without any evidence to back up your claims? Your posts never have any credibility.

1) unsexy crap?? Nope. Not sure what you mean by this.
2) re-re-post on all forums?? I don't repost but I do maintain same megathreads on multiple forums and update them equally, which is not called re-posting, it's called being efficient and effective.
3) I don't get 0 sales. Don't assume everybody is same as you. The world does not revolve around you. You having bad experience with 1 filehost does not mean everybody else is having bad experience. You getting 0 sales does not mean
everybody else is getting 0 sales.
4) Doesn't matter what the price is, doesn't matter what the program is, doesn't matter who I bought it from. I decided to invest in order to make more money. Only fools try to make money without investing.