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a lot of problems lately, a lot of users reporting downloads failing and this results in a lot of frustration, this is both for premium and free users

also had reports of many users who have new version of chrome where the captcha is not loading resulting in downloading being impossible.
a lot of problems lately, a lot of users reporting downloads failing and this results in a lot of frustration, this is both for premium and free users

also had reports of many users who have new version of chrome where the captcha is not loading resulting in downloading being impossible.

yeah iam getting similar reports
a lot of problems lately, a lot of users reporting downloads failing and this results in a lot of frustration, this is both for premium and free users

also had reports of many users who have new version of chrome where the captcha is not loading resulting in downloading being impossible.
Is it connected with drop in sales in your case? I haven't recieived such reports but I'm observing signifant drop in sales in the last week.