Is it viable to run a business from a boat?

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Active Member
After some research, development and planning I've come up with an eccentric idea...

After completing my RYA Ocean, I am now qualified to travel anywhere and everywhere by boat.

My question is, do you think it would be viable to run a internet business from a yacht whether that be adsense, forex, hosting, membership sites, affiliate selling e.t.c? And is there anybody foolish enough to join me on an adventure?

The overall expenses would work out at $1500-1750 per week to run a yacht of reasonable size.

What kind of internet startup business generates $1750 week? I am sure all of us would like to join.

If you just want to have someone join you for a trip around the world then I suggest you post you picture.:hrhr:
How about we set up a company together? We set up the yacht, I will setup the website. I then sit at the back of the boat for life with hookers and alcohol while taking 25%? Sounds a good deal to me :)

No seriously now not hosting I don't think you will get any big buyers but for shared hosting people don't really look at it in detail so you may get away with that. Not 100% sure about the rest.
wow thats something unusual
You can create a party brand or host parties on a yacht to earn from that and then make a website for it and post images there or make a PPV site live stream from yacht :P
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