Is it possible to fix all of this now?

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Most of these errors are caused by the ampersand sign (&). The usual fix for that is converting & to & (its HTML entity).

Consider this though, W3 only validates by their standards. They are very reliable and in most cases pages validated by them will work on all browsers, but not always.

If there are errors, it doesn't mean your HTML document is invalid, it could just mean it's not to their standards. Anyway, if you really want to validate your HTML, there are many tutorials out there that will teach you how to form valid HTML tags.


  • <div><span></span><div> - Valid
  • <span><div></div></span> - Invalid (Block element inside inline element)
  • <strong><em></em></strong> - Valid
  • <em><strong></em></strong> - Invalid (Closing tags formed incorrectly)

Google "How to validate XHTML" and read some HTML tutorials.
Thanks a lot el_jentel1 but much like the & sign, when I make a post and the title includes that, there is pretty much nothing I can do about those, rather I can just avoid them now and fix what can be fixed on the back end. I see that it will probably not reach 100% validation.

Thanks again for noting all of that.
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