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Informational Bot
Corporate Membership

Welcome to our brand new spankin' skin.

It took four months of hard work to design such an elegant and beautiful skin.

We have implemented new features to the skin, such as:

  • Column based forum - saving on scrolling and keeping the forum organised.
  • A skin which is almost image-free.
  • Removed unnecessary clutter from the skin.
  • User bar has been simplified, all notifications such as quoted posts, new subscribed posts, mentions have been combined.
  • A thread starter will now have "OP" listed on their post - will be added in up coming days.
  • Too much to list - explore the skin and let us know what you think below!

We're not stopping there, there's more to come, such as:

  • FREE WJunction Templates
  • New smilies (we've got something special planned)
  • The introduction of a new rank: Honourable Member (more details will be posted soon in regards to this rank)
  • The introduction of a BumpBot to allow companies that are on WJunction to have their threads bumped after a certain period.
  • Rules will be thoroughly reviewed in the upcoming week - with some which we may well be scrapping.
  • The structure of staff will be changing so that each member of staff will look after their own section (we'll be assigning sections soon).
  • Respected members along with honourable members will have their very own email address soon.

Could we ask, who designed the skin?
Of-course you can, he's back with a bang. It's ..

Dominic Elci, former owner of That1Design. Launching in 2016, his new company called:

Plenty of more planned for 2016. Keep your eyes peeled!

Found an issue? Let us know below and we'll have it rectified.
Great Theme, perfect comeback gift for someone like me! :)

I've found a few bugs. Will post them shortly.

Possible Bugs:

1. Custom Font doesnt load in Quick Reply.
2. Bottom Pagination missing in forums/posts search section,
3. User's list of websites in profile now missing.
4. Title length/alignment issue in Offers section.
5. My Statistics, for some reason doesnt load up on a few instances. Not sure what provokes this to recreate the bug.
6. Profile dropdown has the same issue as My Statistics,.

And... This is not a bug, but why is Graphics area under Development? Shouldn't this go under a broader category that includes Dev & Design?
I know this has been the same in the last theme aswell, which is a categorical error. Misleading in many ways.
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A few changes that I think should be made

Stickies at top of each section now look like they are sub sections of the section your in they do not look like stickies

When you get your cursor anywhere close to the top of main page of the forum the auto drop down is annoying

Round avatars are lame when everyones avatar is rectangle

All forum sections need to be to the left not 2 side by side
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Fabulous Theme So Responsive Theme looks beautiful thanks for Hard Working i appreciate work of Admin WJ and All Others Teams Members - WJ ROCKS :fly::dan:
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