Indexing on Google is very much late!

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Active Member
Hi all,
Whenever i post my website and submit my Sitemap on Google Webmaster it takes at least 2 days to get indexed.
Moreover, after the indexing, i am not able to find the post on Google even when i am searching it by the same post time.

Please help
Your website has no authority, because no authority site is connecting to you.
Authority of some site comes from it's backlinks.

So no authority, no recognition.
Atleast try submitting your links to social media sites to get it indexed faster. It takes sometime but you're site will get indexed faster after that.
when i create new site, i ban search engines in robots.txt for one month, during this time i fill it with content, do some backlinking and social sharing, and than i remove the robots.txt lines, so my sites gets indexed fast, and get quite high ranking, and often becomes pr2-4 within months.
"What if we change the website looks, how long will google takes to re-index all the new looks?"

Google Index's your URLS. not your website look. As long as your urls dont change then they will stay.
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