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i heard on recent google update google pagerank is not increase by genarated strong backling. is it true? if yes can any help me to increase pagerank on my site?

Thanks in advance.
Backlinks always work I am not sure where you heard they don't, you are not quoting any official source saying otherwise.
That's complete bollocks. Pagerank is only affected by the quality and quantity of backlinks you have.
Niche, keywords, color of your template or anything else has absoltely no effect on Pagerank.

The only other parameter that could effect your pagerank is domain age due to it having latent backlinks from older sources.

Keep in mind however that Pagerank has absolutely nothing to do with how well you website will perform in the search engine. It doesn't matter for diddly squat.
I have a PR1 website that gets 1,500 organic users a day while one of my PR5 websites gets only 10.
Page rank is calculated by backlinks, but it doesn't matter what page rank a website has, it has absolutely no value in terms of how much traffic you will get.
Currently there is no change. Pagerank is shared by outbound links from web pages. The more valuable the higher the Pagerank. Don't look for Pagerank, try to increase your website value by content and SEO optimizing.
Page Rank on your site doesn't mean anything, you can outrank a PR8 with quality content in the search engines.
Don't worry about Page Rank. Worry about your backlinks and content.
One's a website of Mine was having PR4 and about 10-20 visitors :(

Work more on Contents, look/ easy to use and speed of your website..........
do more internal link and make your site content more unique and informative.Then just see the result.Obviously You will get good PR
I never heard this type of news before. Page rank depends upon the number of back links which you got from other high PR sites of your same niche. But PR of a site never done anything. Google nowadays gives priority to fresh and unique contents.
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