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after the comeback , I guess admin is having a hard time dealing with payments so he froze the site yesterday to minimize the problem hehe anyway, i hope the site is back for real and monday payments will be established again ..
Well, this week there are no payments made, so.. i guess that he'll resume them next week. Again, he does the same mistake as last month, and that is to not communicate the problems in real time :).
I know that is difficult to sort out this all payment mess, and soon things should get back to normal.
IDK if we should call it a scam, since he paid the money he owed us for one month hiatus on payments...he did then the same thing as now, he said that he had some problems and zero updates after.
Now, he's doing the same thing, he told us that he was some problems because there are many payments updates. Deja-vu.
Maybe today we'll see some payments fullfilled, idk.
No payment, no updates..i didin't stopped using them while they had payment hiatus, but i'll stop using them from now on till payment arrives.
This is unnaceptable. I still think that payment could arrive, no need to call it a scam or whatever, but the amount of time with no solid updates is ridiculous... Who knows, maybe next week we'll be more lucky, since today i don't expect anything at all.
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