If you killed someone by mistake what would you do?

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I'd weigh out my options, come up with the best possible resolution as far as getting away with it or amount of jail time involved. Gather my finances in case I face jail time and have to leave my family behind with all my responsibilities/bills. Hire an attorney and plead the 5th. ;)

lol - Spot the ex cop :O
As a CSI fan I know how to clean the scene and pay a few beers to a couple of guys to witness in my favor saying I was with them all the time. I'd have the perfect alibi.

you realize how unrealistic CSI actually is, right? :(

Don't beleive everything you see on tv
Bury him in the backyard, pack my bags and get out of the country asap. No way I am going to jail for life for some unintentional mishap XD

why would you lease the country? :S then someone could check your backyard out. :S he couldn't if you would be at home. :>
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I would drop him on the road so that a car could hit him and the driver gets the blame >.>

Wouldn't work, he would get autopsied. It would show he died before the car hit him.

true, woud be hard to cover this up. :S

who knows what all can people do to find the guilty one... maybe a screenshot from the satellite? :O or is this only used for bigger crimes?

So what? They would take time to investigate, I have time to run out of the country by then.

even if you leave your country, they will find you in your new country too, what about interpool and similar orgs? that's harder then... if they find out who you are.

I'd burn him, then throw his ashes into the water, something like that.

good idea, but where to burn a whole body? you need high temperature or something to burn the bones. :S

Indeed, it's obvious. It only sucks if you kill him on some sort of a party, where lots of people can witness it, there's a big chance that someone recorded the whole party. So the tape would be eventually leaked on the gore sites, lol.

in this case your are fuck anyways i think... :D
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i would call russians and let them take care of the body, after that i would continue my life like nothing happened.
I would freeze the body to reduce the mess when I cut him up.

Once cut up I would cook at about 190 degrees for 30 mins maybe add some herbs and then feed him to the dogs... I might have some, depending on how it looked when it comes out.
I would freeze the body to reduce the mess when I cut him up.

Once cut up I would cook at about 190 degrees for 30 mins maybe add some herbs and then feed him to the dogs... I might have some, depending on how it looked when it comes out.

Now that's an idea :D
I would freeze the body to reduce the mess when I cut him up.

Once cut up I would cook at about 190 degrees for 30 mins maybe add some herbs and then feed him to the dogs... I might have some, depending on how it looked when it comes out.

Wow, u must have nerves to go that far.. hahaha

You never know! Could taste good,

I'v heard Human meat is the most delicious.. correct me if im wrong.
I really don't know - but I guess if you eat somebody with a good lifestyle, it would be good. If you ate a bin man, it would taste like shit...

Just like free range animals are always better meat
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